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Executive committee forms source of hope for WCC leader

The meeting of our World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee began at the Diocesan Center of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus in Paralimni. In my report as moderator, I spoke about sources of hope in a world that sometimes seems to give so little cause for hope. And I spoke about how we, as the World Council of Churches, can fulfill the prophetic mission of the church in the face of this world situation.

Brian Muyunga envisions “a just society where men and women feel safe, protected, and respected”

Our series of interviews with Thursdays in Black ambassadors highlights those who are playing a vital role in increasing the impact of our collective call for a world without rape and violence. Brian Muyunga is a youth member of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee and executive committee, and a member of the WCC Commission for Youth in the Ecumenical Movement. He serves as executive secretary for youth at the All Africa Conference of Churches.

Brian Muyunga stellt sich „eine gerechte Gesellschaft vor, in der Männer und Frauen sich sicher, geschützt und respektiert fühlen.“

Unsere Interview-Serie mit Donnerstags in Schwarz-Botschafterinnen und -Botschaftern stellt Menschen in den Mittelpunkt, die eine wichtige Rolle spielen, um die Wirkung unserer gemeinsamen Forderung nach einer Welt ohne Vergewaltigung und Gewalt zu vertiefen. Brian Muyunga vertritt die jungen Erwachsenen mit einem Sitz im Zentralausschuss und im Exekutivausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) und ist Mitglied der ÖRK-Kommission für Jugend in der ökumenischen Bewegung. Er arbeitet außerdem als Exekutivsekretär für das Jugendreferat der Gesamtafrikanischen Kirchenkonferenz.

Brian Muyunga imagina “una sociedad justa en la que hombres y mujeres se sientan seguros, protegidos y respetados”

Nuestra serie de entrevistas con los embajadores y embajadoras de los Jueves de negro da visibilidad a personas que desempeñan un papel fundamental aumentando la repercusión de nuestro llamado colectivo por un mundo sin violaciones ni violencia. Brian Muyunga es un joven miembro de los Comités Central y Ejecutivo del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), y también de la Comisión de los Jóvenes en el Movimiento Ecuménico. Trabaja como secretario ejecutivo de Juventud en la Conferencia de Iglesias de Toda el África (AACC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Brian Muyunga entrevoit «une société juste où les femmes et les hommes se sentent en sécurité, protégé-e-s et respecté-e-s»

Notre série d’entretiens avec les ambassadeurs et ambassadrices des Jeudis en noir met en lumière les femmes et les hommes qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’amplification des effets de notre appel collectif à un monde sans viol ni violence. Brian Muyunga est un représentant de la jeunesse membre du Comité central et du Comité exécutif du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) et membre de la Commission des jeunes dans le mouvement œcuménique. Il sert en tant que secrétaire exécutif pour la jeunesse à la Conférence des Églises de toute l’Afrique.

Rev. Dawn Gikandi: Thursdays in Black speaks volumes in Kenya and beyond

Our series of interviews with Thursdays in Black ambassadors highlights those who are playing a vital role in increasing the impact of our collective call for a world without rape and violence. Rev. Dawn Gikandi is a Kenyan who has been ordained as a minister by the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, a member church of the WCC. 

Rev. Sally Azar: Thursdays in Black “is universally bringing people together”

Our series of interviews with Thursdays in Black ambassadors highlights those who are playing a vital role in increasing the impact of our collective call for a world without rape and violence. Rev. Sally Azar is a pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, and currently serves as a pastor in Jerusalem for both Arabic and English-speaking congregations. 

On International Women’s Day, “we want us alive”

Women and men gathered online on International Womens Day with deep determination to find solutions to the scourge of femicide. A webinar on 8 March, entitled “End Femicide: Invest in Women’s Lives,” drew more than 100 people online. 

WCC at the Commission on the Status of Women

09 - 22 March 2024

The sixty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will take place from 11 to 22 March 2024. Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world will be engaged in person and online. The CSW is the largest United Nations gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment.