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Season of Creation 2023

01 September - 04 October 2023

From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the world are praying and caring for creation. It’s the “Season of Creation”. The beginning and the end date of Season of Creation are linked with the concern for creation in the Eastern and the Western traditions of Christianity, respectively.

African Christians underscore crucial role of ecumenism

As the World Council of Churches celebrates its 75th anniversary, a series of feature stories from different regions of the world will portray ecumenism at the local level—within churches, communities, and individuals who embody the spirit of ecumenism in unique ways. The feature story below offers a glimpse of some facets of ecumenism present in Africa.

Ecumenism in the Philippines means hope and resilience

As the World Council of Churches celebrates its 75th anniversary, a series of feature stories from different regions of the world will portray ecumenism at the local level—within churches, communities, and individuals who embody the spirit of ecumenism in unique ways. The feature story below offers a glimpse of some facets of ecumenism present in the Philippines.

WCC inspires “Theology of Work” discussion for churches in Malaysia

World Council of Churches (WCC) programme director for Public Witness and Diakonia Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata delved into the heart of “Theology of Work” in a keynote address during the opening of the New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) Consultation on Labour, being hosted 21-23 August by the National Council of Churches in Malaysia.

Wir verzweifeln nicht, aber wir sind beunruhigt

Hoffnung und Engagement beherrschen den Bericht, den das regionale Treffen Afrika am 26. Juni dem ÖRK-Zentralausschuss vorlegte. Wie bei diesen Tagungen üblich, trafen sich Zentralausschussmitglieder, Beraterinnen und Berater, Stewards und Mitarbeitende aus jeder Region zum Gebet und zum Austausch, um Themen herauszuarbeiten, die das Leben und Zeugnis der Kirchen in der jeweiligen Region beschäftigen.

We do not despair but are disturbed

Hope and commitment were central in the report that the Africa region presented to the WCC central committee on 26 June. As is customary during these meetings, central committee members, advisors, stewards, and staff from each region met for prayer and sharing and to identify issues affecting the life and witness of the churches in their region.

Stewards erwartet bei der Zentralausschusstagung ein umwerfendes Erlebnis

„Eines sage ich jungen Leuten immer, wenn sie mit dem Steward-Programm beginnen: Seien Sie äußerst vorsichtig. Die Ökumene ist ansteckend – sobald Sie sich auf dieses umwerfende Erlebnis einlassen, fangen Sie an, anders über die Kirche zu denken. Das ist kein Nachteil“, sagte der Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK)-Generalsekretär, Pastor Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay in seiner Willkommensrede an die jungen Erwachsenen aus aller Welt, die am 16. Juni im Ökumenischen Zentrum in Vorbereitung auf die Zentralausschusstagung (21.-27. Juni in Genf) als Stewards empfangen wurden. 

A mind blowing exposure for stewards during central committee

 “There’s one thing I always say to young people when you start off in the stewards programme– be very careful, because the ecumenical bug gets you as this is a mind blowing exposure and you start to think about the church in a very different way – and this is not a bad thing", remarked World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay in his welcoming address to the young people from all over the world who were welcomed at the Ecumenical Centre on 16 June as stewards, in preparation for the upcoming central committee which is taking place 21-27 June in Geneva. 

Accepting others in their otherness

Accepting others in their otherness is at the heart of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. This was the message at a tray lunch event titled “Christian Witness in a pluralistic world: Building on the Legacy of Asian Ecumenism,” held on 16 June at the Ecumenical Centre and organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC).