Displaying 1 - 20 of 679

The interfaith action and ministry of Archbishop Anastasios of Albania

In our brief article, as an expression of love and deep appreciation for the esteemed Archbishop of Tirana, Anastasios, we present, as much as possible, his significant contribution to interfaith dialogue and his active involvement in actions and initiatives aimed at establishing peaceful and just coexistence among all people, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, or cultural identity.

WCC mourns the passing of Bishop Flavio Irala

In a letter to the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil and the National Council of Christian Churches, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay shared condolences on the passing of Bishop Flavio Augusto Borges Irala on 9 January. 

Evangelical Mission in Solidarity on journey together with WCC

On 14 November, Rev. Anne Heitmann was elected chair of the Presidium of Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS). She is also head of the Ecumenism and Church Worldwide department of the Protestant Church in Baden. She shared her past experiences as a World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee member, and how she envisions EMS continuing to journey with the World Council of Churches. 

WCC mourns passing of Rev. Dr John Moyer

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is mourning the death of Rev. Dr John Moyer, Presbyterian minister from Berkeley, California (US), who dedicated his life to ecumenical work. 

WCC diakonia group charts the path forward on eco-diakonia and decolonization

The Ecumenical Diakonia Reference Group, established by the World Council of Churches (WCC), held its inaugural meeting in Yerevan, Armenia, from 30 September to 2 October. The group, cochaired by Rev. Pauliina Parhiala (Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission) and Rebecca Teiko Sabah (Presbyterian Church of Ghana), focused on topics such as climate justice, decolonization, and diaconal collaboration.