Amidst interethnic conflicts, armed attacks, and increasing humanitarian emergencies, churches in South Sudan, on 27 January launched guidelines to help communities deal with the persistent violence and strengthen peace.
In a solidarity message issued on the International Day of Peace, 21 September, the South Sudan Council of Churches called for fostering positive change that will bring peace to the nation.
A delegation from the World Council of Churches (WCC) is joining the Ecumenical Network of South Sudan (ENSS) in a solidarity visit from 18-23 September to accompany and support the church leaders in South Sudan.
The World Council of Churches led a delegation on a visit to Sudan from 18-22 April. The ecumenical group included the World Council of Churches (WCC), All Africa Conference of Churches, ACT Alliance, Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa Global Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa, General Board Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, and Norwegian Church Aid.
Churches in South Sudan shared Easter messages of hope, even amid troubling times for the African nation.The South Sudan Council of Churches, in its message, emphasized renewed hope. “In today’s world, marked by so many conflicts and so much suffering, we understand that many of us feel disheartened,” reads the message.
Churches in South Sudan are appealing for humanitarian assistance, amidst fears that the consequences of climate change, macro-economic shocks, and the war in Sudan could sink the country further into the worst humanitarian crisis since independence.
En una carta pastoral dirigida a las iglesias de Sudán del Sur y a Ayuda de la Iglesia Noruega, el secretario general del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), el Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, expresó su conmoción y tristeza por la noticia del ataque contra vehículos de Ayuda de la Iglesia Noruega en Imehejek, Lopa Lafon, en la región de Ecuatoria Oriental de Sudán del Sur.
In einem Hirtenbrief an die Kirchen im Südsudan und an das norwegische Hilfswerk Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) zeigte sich der Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) Pastor Dr. Jerry Pillay schockiert und betroffen über den Angriff auf Fahrzeuge des NCA in Imehejek, Lopa Lafon, im Bundesstaat Eastern Equatoria im Südsudan.
Dans une lettre pastorale adressée aux Églises du Soudan du Sud et à Norwegian Church Aid, le secrétaire général du Conseil Œcuménique des Églises (COE), le pasteur Jerry Pillay, s’est déclaré choqué et attristé par l’attaque contre des véhicules de Norwegian Church Aid à Imehejek, Lopa Lafon, dans la région d’Équatoria-Oriental au Soudan du Sud.
In a pastoral letter to the churches of South Sudan and to Norwegian Church Aid, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay expressed shock and sadness about the news of an attack on Norwegian Church Aid vehicles in Imehejek, Lopa Lafon, in the Eastern Equatoria region of South Sudan.
Pastoral letter to the churches and people of South Sudan and to Norwegian Church Aid by Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the World Council of Churches.
Tras acoger una peregrinación de líderes religiosos del mundo, el Consejo de Iglesias de Sudán del Sur emitió el 10 de marzo una declaración en la que recoge el llamado de los dirigentes religiosos de recurrir a medios no violentos para resolver los problemas del país.
Nachdem der Südsudanesische Kirchenrat eine Pilgergruppe von religiösen Führungspersonen aus aller Welt empfangen hatte, veröffentlichte er am 10. März eine Erklärung, in der er den Aufruf der Kirchenleitenden zur gewaltfreien Lösung der Probleme des Landes wiederholt.
Le 10 mars, après avoir accueilli un pèlerinage de responsables religieux du monde entier, le Conseil des Églises du Soudan du Sud a publié une déclaration faisant écho à l’appel des responsables ecclésiaux prônant le recours à la non-violence afin de régler les problèmes de la nation.
The South Sudan Council of Churches released a statement on 10 March echoing the church leaders’ call for nonviolent means to solve the nation’s problems.
After receiving a pilgrimage of global religious leaders, the South Sudan Council of Churches released a statement on 10 March echoing the church leaders’ call for nonviolent means to solve the nation’s problems.
As South Sudan readied to welcome visiting world Christian leaders, church officials in the country articulated a range of expectations, including a strong call for peace and reconciliation.
At the World Council of Churches 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe Germany, Jackcilia Salathiel Ebere will be carrying the voices of women from South Sudan who are crying for peace and justice.
At ecumenical prayers in the capital city, Juba, South Sudanese church leaders called for unity, peace, and reconciliation, as their nation continued to struggle with instability and conflict, a decade after independence.