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Executive committee forms source of hope for WCC leader

The meeting of our World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee began at the Diocesan Center of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus in Paralimni. In my report as moderator, I spoke about sources of hope in a world that sometimes seems to give so little cause for hope. And I spoke about how we, as the World Council of Churches, can fulfill the prophetic mission of the church in the face of this world situation.

WCC general secretary's sermon at United Methodist General Conference, Ecumenical Service (30 April 2024)

What is God calling Christians and the Christian Church to do today? Whose and what voices are we listening to?” asked Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in his sermon at the ecumenical worship of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) on 30 April, in Charlotte, North Carolina (US). 

General Secretary

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 4: "Thirst for justice: a Dalit women’s perspective on water rights"

The  fourth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Rev. Dr Anupama Hial.  In this reflection, she recalls her struggles in the past as a Dalit woman in India to get access to clean water.  She challenges churches to be a catalyst for fulfilling the promise of Isaiah to provide free water to all who are thirsty, especially to the Dalit women. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 3: "Celebrating Jesus’ life in water through the lens of justice”

The third reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Very Rev. Dr Augustinos Bairactaris. In this reflection, he underscores that the water justice issue is a theological task for all, and that the health of the water is vital to human civilization, and for the stability of the worlds climate and biodiversity. He urges all Christians to pray, fast, and act together for a sustainable environment and planet, especially during Lent.

How a meeting place became a sacred space

Two years ago, Andrés Pacheco Lozano defended his PhD. The title of his research was “Pilgrimage of Reconciliation: Relationship Between Communitarian Bible Reading.” Now, it was time to celebrate with a mini symposium "Communities of Faith Reading the Bible Across Cultures: A Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace.” For two days, 24 and 25 October, participants reflected on contextual and intercultural Bible reading at the Singelkerk and the Free University in Amsterdam.

Conversations on the Pilgrim Way

Invitation to Journey Together on Matters of Human Sexuality

This document was received at the meeting of the central committee held from 9-15 February 2022 by video conference.

The Report of the Programme Committee underlined in the introduction that this is a resource document for those member churches that are interested in deepening the discussion. It was requested by member churches for information and guidance. While it remains clear that human sexuality is a sensitive topic and that some churches may have objections to even discussing this topic, the Busan Assembly stated that controversial themes, like human sexuality, should have a safe space for conversation.

The programme committee, while aware that human sexuality could be a divisive topic in churches and in our fellowship, underlined the importance of ecumenical dialogue in a safe space on topics that could be divisive and welcomed the invitation in this document to journey together in ethical dilemmas.

WCC plans implementation of Gender Justice Principles with practice-oriented approach

After the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee, during its February meeting, approved a set of Gender Justice Principles, the WCC’s work of implementation is just beginning. The principles clearly define the WCCs own approach to gender justice and apply to WCC staff, governing bodies, commissions, and reference groups. The WCC executive committee will review and evaluate implementation of the principles.

Thursdays in Black Bible Series: My Destiny (Luke 2:36-38)

Rev. Dr Winelle Kirton Roberts is a native of Barbados. An ordained minister in the Moravian Church, Eastern West Indies Province, Kirton Roberts served in pastoral and administrative positions with her church from 1993 to 2019. At present, she is the pastor of the Geneva Moravian Fellowship in Switzerland. She is married to the Rev. Dr Mikie Roberts, and they have three daughters.