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Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of the Near East commemorates centennial

The Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of the Near East (UAECNE) gathered for a celebratory service on 30 June at the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Beirut. The service, commemorating the centennial of the union, was attended by representatives of churches from different Middle Eastern and global churches, the ambassador of Armenia, Lebanese members of Parliament, representatives of Armenian political parties, pastors, and a large number of members of Armenian Evangelical congregations.

Le Conseil œcuménique des Églises à Genève: un pèlerinage sur les lieux de mémoire œcuménique

Alors que le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) fait ses adieux à son siège, dans l’espoir de retrouver bientôt un Centre œcuménique rénové, nous vous invitons à découvrir certains lieux qui ont façonné la mémoire œcuménique à Genève et qui sont à l’origine des récits de vie inspirants des organisations œcuméniques de la jeunesse et du COE.

WCC general secretary to Methodist General Conference: “Christian unity matters”

What is God calling Christians and the Christian Church to do today? Whose and what voices are we listening to?” asked Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in his sermon at the ecumenical worship of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) on 30 April, in Charlotte, North Carolina (US). 

WCC general secretary's sermon at United Methodist General Conference, Ecumenical Service (30 April 2024)

What is God calling Christians and the Christian Church to do today? Whose and what voices are we listening to?” asked Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in his sermon at the ecumenical worship of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) on 30 April, in Charlotte, North Carolina (US). 

General Secretary

Que peuvent faire les Églises pour prévenir l’esclavage moderne?

Jackline Makena Mutuma est membre du clergé de l’Église méthodiste du Kenya et étudiante à l’Institut œcuménique de Bossey du Conseil œcuménique des Églises où ses recherches portent sur l’interaction entre l’esclavage moderne et le réchauffement climatique. Par ailleurs, elle a récemment été élue vice-présidente de la Commission de Foi et constitution du COE. Dans un entretien au COE, elle livre ses réflexions sur la question pressante de la prévention de l’esclavage moderne.

What can churches do to prevent modern slavery?

Jackline Makena Mutuma is a clergy with the Methodist Church in Kenya and a student at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, where her current research is related to the intersection of modern-day slavery and global warming. She was also recently elected as one of the vice moderators of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order. In a WCC interview, she reflects on the urgent issue of preventing modern slavery.