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Fr Ioan Sauca: “God is on the side of those who are suffering”

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has, since the first day of the war in Ukraine and even in the months before, been working and praying earnestly for peace in this conflict and throughout the world. From the beginning, the WCC has called for an immediate end to armed hostilities, to stop the war and has appealed also for an immediate end to indiscriminate attacks with an escalating impact on civilians in Ukraine. WCC News met online with the WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca to get the latest update on the work of the WCC.

Делегація ACT Alliance та ВРЦ відвідала Угорщину, Україну та Румунію, приділивши особливу увагу гуманітарним потребам та допомозі церкви

У період 14–18 березня делегація ACT Alliance та Всесвітньої ради церков (ВРЦ) відвідала Угорщину, Україну та Румунію, приділивши особливу увагу гуманітарним потребам та допомозі церкви.

Делегация ACT Alliance и ВСЦ посетила Венгрию, Украину и Румынию, уделив особое внимание гуманитарным нуждам и помощи церкви

В период 14–18 марта делегация ACT Alliance и Всемирного совета церквей (ВСЦ) посетила Венгрию, Украину и Румынию, уделив особое внимание гуманитарным нуждам и помощи церкви.

Pope’s visit raises hopes for persecuted Christians

The visit of the pope to the World Council of Churches (WCC) has special significance, given the current situation in the Middle East and North Africa, where Christians are suffering persecution, says a member of WCC’s senior governing body.

Follow-up on the adoption of NATO's Strategic Concept

Following up on their earlier calls for nuclear disarmament, four global, regional and national ecumenical organizations told leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union and Russia that NATO and its member states should seize the opportunity of the Defence and Deterrence Review in 2011 to take bold steps and end the anachronistic policy of nuclear sharing including the deployment of United States tactical nuclear weapons in Europe.

Ecumenical movement