Displaying 21 - 40 of 172

Eliminating cervical cancer focus of WHO meeting

Gracia Violeta Ross, WCC programme executive for HIV, Reproductive Health, and Pandemics, will serve as a panelist during an informal World Health Organization-hosted meeting, Together in Action: Turning Commitments into Reality—Mobilizing communities for increased demand toward cervical cancer elimination.”

At Barbados Gospelfest 2024, WCC leads “Campaign of Hope”

During a week of music, lectures, and dialogue, the World Council of Churches (WCC) played key roles in the Barbados Gospelfest which ran from 26 May to 2 June. Started in 1993, through the then-ministry of tourism in Barbados, the Barbados Gospelfest has evolved over the past 30 years as one of the Caribbeans premiere gospel music festivals.

Compêndio De Práticas Promissoras de intervenções de comunidades religiosas africanas contra o HIV em crianças e adolescentes

Sumário Executivo

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

Esse relatório vital reúne lições essenciais sobre a excepcional liderança das comunidades religiosas no enfrentamento do desafio do HIV em crianças. Ele documenta as evidências das principais funções que as comunidades religiosas têm desempenhado na identificação de crianças não diagnosticadas que vivem com HIV, melhorando a continuidade do tratamento e apoiando a adesão aos cuidados e ao tratamento. Ele também documenta lições de como as lideranças religiosas têm atuado de forma incisiva para combater o estigma e a discriminação e pressionar para que as metas sejam alcançadas. É um documento feito para ajudar as comunidades religiosas – e as pessoas que as apoiam e fazem parceria com elas – a trazer avanços radicais na busca pela meta de acabar com a AIDS em crianças até 2030.

Recueil: De Pratiques Prometteuses dans les interventions des communautés religieuses en Afrique contre le VIH chez les enfants et les adolescents

Résumé Analytique

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

Ce rapport vital compile des enseignements essentiels tirés du rôle moteur exceptionnel des communautés religieuses pour combattre le VIH chez les enfants. Il documente des données sur le rôle fondamental joué par les communautés religieuses pour identifier les enfants non diagnostiqués vivant avec le VIH, améliorer la continuité du traitement et soutenir l’adhésion aux soins et au traitement. Il répertorie également les enseignements tirés de la manière dont les responsables religieux ont mené des actions de plaidoyer pour s’attaquer à la stigmatisation et la discrimination et oeuvrer en faveur de la réalisation des objectifs. Il permettra aux communautés religieuses, et à tous leurs soutiens et partenaires, de promouvoir un changement de taille dans les activités pour mettre fin au SIDA chez les enfants d’ici à 2030.

Compendium of Promising Practices of African Faith Community Interventions against Paediatric and Adolescent HIV

Executive Summary

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium in 2023. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

This vital report brings together essential lessons from faith communities’ exceptional leadership in addressing the challenge of HIV in children. It documents evidence from the core roles that faith communities have played in identifying undiagnosed children living with HIV, improving the continuity of treatment, and supporting adherence to care and treatment. It also documents lessons from how faith leaders have driven advocacy to tackle stigma and discrimination and push for targets to be achieved. It will help faith communities and those who support and partner with them to advance a step change in progress towards the goal of ending AIDS in children by 2030.

Trois commissions du COE clôturent une réunion historique sur une note d’espérance dans les travaux à l’avenir

Le 8 mars, à Genève, lors de la clôture de la réunion de trois commissions du Conseil œcuménique des Églises — la Commission des Églises pour les affaires internationales, la Commission pour la santé et la guérison et la Commission sur la justice climatique et le développement durable — un sentiment de détermination collaborative émanait des participant-e-s pour relever les défis du monde avec espérance et actions concrètes.

Three WCC commissions close historic meeting, expressing hope in future work

As three World Council of Churches commissions—the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, Commission on Health and Healing, and Commission on Climate Justice and Sustainable Development—completed their meeting on 8 March in Geneva, they came away with a sense of collaborative determination to address the worlds challenges with hope and with practical actions.