Displaying 101 - 120 of 725

Webinar series: Theological Reflections on Hate Speech and Whiteness

19 - 23 October 2020

A series of five webinars in five days convened by the World Council of Churches (WCC) will offer theological reflections on “Hate Speech and Whiteness.” Running from 19-23 October, the webinars are being produced bv the WCC’s Theological Study Group of the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace.

Gemeinsame interreligiöse Erklärung zum 75. Jahrestag der Atombombenabwürfe von Hiroshima und Nagasaki

Als umfassende Vereinigung von Glaubensgemeinschaften aus der ganzen Welt haben wir uns verpflichtet, mit einer Stimme zu sprechen, die die existenzielle Bedrohung der Menschheit durch Atomwaffen ablehnt. Wir bekräftigen erneut, dass das Vorhandensein auch nur einer einzigen Atomwaffe gegen die grundlegenden Prinzipien unserer verschiedenen Glaubenstraditionen verstößt und alles, was uns lieb und teuer ist, durch unvorstellbare Zerstörung bedroht.

Ecumenical movement

Joint Interfaith Statement on the 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

As a wide coalition of faith-based communities from around the world, we have committed to speaking
with one voice that rejects the existential threat to humanity that nuclear weapons pose. We reaffirm that the presence of even one nuclear weapon violates the core principles of our different faith traditions and threatens the unimaginable destruction of everything we hold dear.

Ecumenical movement

Statement on situations of concern in Nigeria

The Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches, meeting by video conference on 20-24 July 2020, takes special note of a number of situations of concern that have been brought to its attention in Nigeria. Nigeria is one of the WCC’s priority countries in the context of the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, and Africa’s most populous nation, with many diverse communities of faith, and a vibrant church and ecumenical life.

Executive committee

Erklärung zu den besorgniserregenden Situationen in Nigeria

Der Exekutivausschuss des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen, der vom 20. bis 24. Juli 2020 zu einer Videokonferenz zusammentrat, richtete seine Aufmerksamkeit besonders auf eine Reihe von besorgniserregenden Situationen in Nigeria, die ihm zur Kenntnis gebracht worden waren. Im Rahmen des Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens nimmt Nigeria, eines der bevölkerungsreichsten Länder Afrikas, einen hohen Stellenwert ein, denn es verfügt über zahlreiche unterschiedliche Glaubensgemeinschaften und ein dynamisches Kirchenleben sowie eine lebendige Ökumene.

Executive committee

Launch of Current Dialogue

07 February 2020

Celebrate with us the launch of Current Dialogue, the WCC journal on interreligious relations, in a new format as a resource for interfaith practitioners, researchers, students, institutions, religious leaders of different faiths, and all those interested in the study of religions.

Ecumenical Centre, Route de Ferney 150, Geneva

YATRA 2020- Application Form

Applications are now open for YATRA (Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity), an interreligious training programme launched by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in 2014 following its 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea. The choice of name for the programme is intended to reflect the idea of a pilgrimage of justice and peace. YATRA is a common term for the word "pilgrimage" in many Indo-Asian religions and languages. The YATRA programme is an intensive training course to equip young Christians from Asia, between the ages of 20 to 35, to build up communities of harmony and hope from an interreligious perspective.

Young Adults Training for Religious Amity - 2020

Applications are now open for YATRA (Young AdultsTraining for Religious Amity), an interreligious training programme launched by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in 2014 following its 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea. The choice of name for the programme is intended to reflect the idea of a pilgrimage of justice and peace. YATRA is a common term for the word "pilgrimage" in many Indo-Asian religions and languages. The YATRA programme is an intensive training course to equip young Christians between the ages of 20 to 35, to build up communities of harmony and hope from an interreligious perspective.