Displaying 1 - 16 of 16

Celebrating a Century of Ecumenism: Exploring the Achievements of International Dialogue

Modern ecumenism often traces its roots back to the 1910 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh. "Celebrating a Century of Ecumenism" brings readers up to date on one hundred years of global dialogue between many different church traditions, including Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Orthodox, Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Oriental Orthodox, and more. Eighteen essays by authors representing a wide spectrum of denominational interests outline the achievements of this movement toward unity.

"There is one ecumenical movement, with many voices" Interview with Msgr. John Radano

As an official observer from the Roman Catholic Church, Monsignor John Radano is a well-known presence at meetings of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee. Head of the Western Section of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and the principal liaison person between the Vatican and the WCC's Faith and Order Commission, Radano comments in this interview on the first meeting of the new WCC central committee.

Global Christian Forum

The WCC's eighth Assembly in 1998 discussed a proposal for a forum of Christian churches and ecumenical organizations that would bring together churches participating in the ecumenical movement, e.g. WCC member churches, the Catholic church, other churches, and Evangelical, Pentecostal and Independent churches, as well as ecumenical and para-church organizations.


Forum chrétien mondial

La Huitième Assemblée du COE, réunie en 1998, a discuté une proposition de forum d'Eglises chrétiennes et d'organisations oecuméniques qui réunirait des Eglises participant au mouvement oecuméniques, telles que les Eglises membres du COE, l'Eglise catholique romaine, d'autres Eglises, les Eglises évangéliques, pentecôtistes et indépendantes, de même que des organisations oecuméniques para-ecclésiales.


Célébrer ensemble la rédemption en Christ

Le colloque tenu à Alep (Syrie) en mars 1997 sous les auspices du COE et du Conseil des Eglises du Moyen-Orient dans le but de progresser vers l'établissement d'une date commune de Pâques constitue sans nul doute un jalon marquant dans les efforts faits pour aplanir les obstacles existants. Jusqu'où les Eglises sont-elles allées sur la voie proposée à Alep ? En 2001, l'équipe « Information » du COE a invité d'éminents représentants des traditions orthodoxe et catholique romaine, ainsi qu'une personnalité protestante, à résumer brièvement leurs réflexions sur une date commune de Pâques. Monseigneur John A. Radano, du Conseil pontifical pour l'unité des chrétiens, présente « Les attentes des catholiques concernant une date commune de Pâques ».

Commission on Faith and Order

Seventh report of the Joint Working Group

The report results from seven years' work by a dedicated group drawn from the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. The character of the document is intentionally educational. The group believed that it would in this way best serve the interest of all who wish to know not only the Joint Working Group's agenda but the growing relationship of the WCC and the RCC within the broader perspective of the one ecumenical movement which the group has witnessed and in some measure assisted.

Joint Working Group