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Un contexte ecclésial et oecuménique en mutation

<< Un contexte ecclésial et oecuménique en mutation >> : le processus << Vers une conception et une vision communes du COE >> offre une image cohérente et stimulante, celle d'une vaste communauté fraternelle d'Eglises, engagées et responsables les unes envers les autres, en quête de l'unité visible dans leur vie et leur témoignage aujourd'hui.


Changing international and political context (Ecumenical conversations)

"Changing international and political context" : From the prophet Isaiah to the pastor Bonhoeffer, from Esther in ancient Israel to the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in Argentina of our day, prophets are real and inspiring. They are raised up in honour at regular intervals in the Bible. God's promise of a new heaven and a new earth owes something to their labors. Yet most believers—no matter how committed to God's justice—would not call themselves prophets or think of themselves as prophetic people.
