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Final Report of the Continuation Committee on Ecumenism in the 21st Century

The final report of the committee included recommendations to the WCC, regional ecumenical organizations, national councils of churches, Christian world communions, ecumenical youth movements, specialized ministries, renewal movements, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and churches and organizations – whether or not traditionally seen as ecumenically engaged – on how to live out the gift of ecumenical calling in more intentional cooperation by all. It was received by the WCC Central Committee in September 2012 and will be forwarded to the WCC 10th Assembly in 2013.

WCC Programmes

Informe final del Comité de Continuación sobre Ecumenismo en el siglo XXI

El informe final del comité incluía recomendaciones al CMI, a las organizaciones ecuménicas regionales, a los consejos nacionales de iglesias, a las comuniones cristianas mundiales, a los movimientos ecuménicos de la juventud, a los ministerios especializados, a las comunidades de renovación ecuménica, el Pontificio Consejo para la Promoción de la Unidad de los Cristianos y a las iglesias y organizaciones, ya fueran o no consideradas tradicionalmente como comprometidas ecuménicamente , sobre cómo vivir el don de la vocación ecuménica desde una cooperación más intencional por parte de todos. Fue recibido por el Comité Central del CMI en septiembre de 2012 y será enviado a la X Asamblea del CMI en 2013.

WCC Programmes

Economy of Life, Justice, and Peace for All: A Call to Action

As a follow-up to the Alternative Globalization Addressing People and Earth (AGAPE) process, which concluded with the AGAPE Call presented at the WCC 9th Assembly in Porto Alegre in 2006, the WCC initiated a programme focused on eradicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and safeguarding ecological integrity based on the understanding that Poverty, Wealth and Ecology are integrally related. The AGAPE Call to Action is the result of a six-year process of consultations and regional studies.

WCC Programmes