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Nikolaos Manginas: his camera flash may be extinguished, but his gaze lives on

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is mourning the loss of Nikolaos Manginas, who documented the actions, contributions and gatherings of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for more than 30 years. 

The official photographer of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Manginas leaves behind a photo collection that is a deeply meaningful legacy not only for the Ecumenical Patriarchate but also for Orthodox churches worldwide and the entire ecumenical fellowship.

Kiritimati and the Bomb: A Tale of Two Churches

Kiritimati is a tiny atoll at the heart of the Pacific Ocean. It is also known as “Christmas Island,” and forms a part of the nation state of Kiribati – an archipelago that stretches across the Pacific Ocean. Kiritimati has a population of approximately 6,500 people, who live across the villages of Tabwakea, London, Banana, and Poland. If you were to visit now, you would never consider that this small island was once an epicentre of British and American nuclear weapons testing during the Cold War.

Young leaders share passion and courage in diverse traditions

On 18-19 July, 35 young leaders from 14 countries across Asia – part of the World Council of Churches' (WCC) Youth in Asia Training in Religious Amity (YATRA) – travelled to the Indonesian city of Bandung to meet with faith leaders and young activists engaged in interreligious dialogue and work.

Faces of hope and moments of justice and peace

After 50 years of occupation, Palestinians in the Holy Land haven’t given up their hopes for freedom. Still, Palestinians – and many Israelis as well – hope. They hope that a nonviolent solution to the conflict will come, and that both peoples eventually will live together in peace and reconciliation.