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Visiting Ghana, WCC president from North America presents “Ahead of her Time” awards and recognition of Achimota Secondary School

Rev. Dr Angelique Keturah Walker-Smith, World Council of Churches (WCC) president from North America, visited Ghana to present the Ahead of Her Time awards and the related book to renowned women leaders, past and present. She also had opportunity to visit the Achimota Secondary School which contributed to the ecumenical and leadership formation of these leaders.

New book available: “Ahead of Her Time: Pan-African Women of Faith and the Vision of Christian Unity, Mission, and Justice”

A new book, "Ahead of Her Time: Pan-African Women of Faith and the Vision of Christian Unity, Mission, and Justice,” authored by World Council of Churches (WCC) president from North America Rev. Dr Angelique Walker-Smith, debuted on 1 November, All Saints Day, during an online and in-person reception and awards ceremony of pan-African women of faith represented in the book. The event took place at Bread for the World (USA) in Washington, DC.

Ahead of Her Time

Pan-African Women of Faith and the Vision of Christian Unity, Mission, and Justice
Angélique Keturah Walker-Smith

The author shares the untold stories of several pan-African women of faith from Africa, North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe who provided local, national, and global ecumenical leadership during formative periods of the modern-day ecumenical movement.

In addition to the author’s personal experiences with these women, the publication offers an important rewriting of the ecumenical narrative from a pan-African Women’s lens. It is hoped that the publication will strengthen the ecumenical agenda of a more inclusive community that embraces the objectives of the pilgrimage of justice and peace as it embraces the experience of these women who have historically been marginalized and affected by racism and gender discrimination.

"Legend of Our Times," Sylvia Ross Talbot, dies at 89

The life and ministry of Dr. Sylvia Ross Talbot, a church leader whose ecumenical dedication included service as the WCC’s vice-moderator in the 1980s and president of Church Women United, was celebrated last weekend in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

She died 15 May at the age of 89.

Mädchen nutzen Technologie, um stärker zu werden – „Selbstvertrauen ist deine Superkraft“

Vom Sport bis zur Raketentechnologie, von der Kunst bis hin zu familiären Beziehungen – junge Menschen haben sich auf einem Webinar am 16. März darüber ausgetauscht, warum sie eine sichere und leicht zugängliche Technologie brauchen, um ihre Träume zu verwirklichen.

Auf dem Webinar kamen Kinder, junge Frauen und Männer im Alter zwischen 7 und 17 Jahren zu Wort, sprachen konkret über ihre Wünsche und Ziele und ließen keinen Zweifel daran, was sie von den Erwachsenen in ihrem Leben nicht nur in Zukunft –  sondern jetzt und sofort erwarten.

Les filles utilisent la technologie pour s’affirmer: «La confiance en soi est votre superpouvoir»

Du sport à l’astronomie, en passant par l’art et les relations familiales, les jeunes qui ont participé au séminaire en ligne le 16 mars ont expliqué pourquoi ils et elles veulent et ont besoin de technologies sûres et accessibles pour réaliser leurs rêves.

Les intervenant-e-s, âgé-e-s de 7 à 17 ans, étaient des jeunes femmes et des jeunes hommes qui ont exprimé leurs aspirations de façon claire. Ils et elles ont également fait part de ce que les adultes dans leur vie doivent leur apporter dès maintenant et à l’avenir.

As girls use technology to grow stronger, “Confidence is your superpower”

From sports to rocket science, from art to family relationships, young people at a webinar on 16 March spoke out on why they want and need safe, accessible technology to realize their dreams.

The speakers, ages 7-17, were young women and men who clearly articulated their aspirations, and also communicated what the adults in their lives need to provide not just in the future—but right now.