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Bossey research fellow reflects on economic and ecological justice

Max Weber, a student at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, is currently completing a WCC research fellowship. He took time to reflect on his recent attendance at the World Social Forum 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal, as well as his studies related to economic and ecological justice.

WCC to share key insights at World Social Forum

At the World Social Forum 2024, taking place 15-19 February in Nepal, the World Council of Churches (WCC) will have an active role in this platform for the convergence of a diverse range of participants, including social movements, laborers, farmers, civil society groups, marginalized communities, and those affected by the impacts of neoliberal capitalism and privatization. 

WCC at the World Social Forum 2024

15 - 19 February 2024

The World Social Forum (WSF) 2024 is scheduled to take place from February 15-19 in Nepal. The WSF serves as an open space and platform for the convergence of a diverse range of participants, including social movements, laborers, farmers, civil society groups, marginalized communities, and those affected by the impacts of neoliberal capitalism and privatization. 

Kathmandu, Nepal

Blending local and global ecumenism in Asia

After being postponed twice because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) finally got underway in late September and early October 2023 in Kottayam, India. Under the theme "God, renew us in your spirit and restore the creation,” CCA member churches across Asia gathered to stake out the direction forward and evaluate accomplishments and challenges since the last assembly in 2015 in Jakarta. 

Los grandes desafíos en Asia exigen unidad

Asia es, por amplio margen, la región más grande, tanto en términos de población como de extensión geográfica, y se enfrenta a una serie de asuntos importantes que requieren la atención y el compromiso de las iglesias. La región, que se extiende desde Irán al oeste hasta Japón al este, y desde Nepal al norte hasta Nueva Zelanda al sur, engloba un amplio abanico de culturas y religiones.

Große Herausforderungen in Asien bedingen Einheit

Asien ist bei weitem die größte Region, sowohl in Bezug auf die Bevölkerungszahl als auch auf die geografische Ausdehnung, und die Kirchen müssen sich mit zahlreichen relevanten Fragen auseinandersetzen. Die Region, die sich vom Iran im Westen bis nach Japan im Osten und von Nepal im Norden bis nach Neuseeland im Süden erstreckt, umfasst eine Vielfalt an Kulturen und Religionen.

Vast challenges in Asia call for unity

By far the largest region, both in terms of population and geographical size, the Asia region faces an array of pertinent issues for the churches to address and engage in. Stretching from Iran in the west to Japan in the east and from Nepal in the north to New Zealand in the south, the region encompasses a wide range of cultures and religions.

Morning Prayer for Monday, 17 May 2021

This week in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray with the people and churches of Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal.

Prayers were prepared in cooperation with the Lutheran World Federation.