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WCC general secretary's sermon at United Methodist General Conference, Ecumenical Service (30 April 2024)

What is God calling Christians and the Christian Church to do today? Whose and what voices are we listening to?” asked Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in his sermon at the ecumenical worship of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) on 30 April, in Charlotte, North Carolina (US). 

General Secretary

Right Livelihood's von Uexkull wants WCC-hosted re-greening event to spur global movement

Right Livelihood is known for its awards, sometimes viewed as alternative Nobel prizes, but it came to different prominence when it teamed up with the World Council of Churches (WCC) on a quest to create a global movement to re-green the earth. Ole von Uexkull, executive director of Right Livelihood, based in Geneva, spoke at the 12 May meeting titled Caring for the Earth, Transforming Lives: Linking Faith & Natural Regeneration.”

Ecumenism and Peace

From Theory and Practice to Pilgrimage and Companionship
Fernando Enns

This publication provides a practical overview of global ecumenism and reconciliation. The globally reconciling-conciliar Church is on the path - the via transformativa - toward unity through action and reflection, guided by the gospel visions of justice and peace. Fernando Enns analyzes what has been learned in recent decades on the ‘testing grounds’ of ecumenical theory and practice, then demonstrates how the new era of the WCC’s action-oriented programs produce ongoing, diverse ecclesial efforts toward social and spiritual transformation.

Study trip to Rome testifies that ecumenical engagements can move forward

Our successful visit to Rome with various ecumenical deliberations itself testifies that ecumenical engagements can move forward despite the pandemic. The launch of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity document “Ecumenism in a Time of Pandemic: From Crisis to Opportunity,” followed by an ecumenical panel discussion, helped us to understand how different churches have approached the pandemic. 

Economy’s commercial logic threatens digital justice discourse, says German church leader

Besides the dangerous monopoly structures in the digital economy, there is a danger for liberty and justice as they are crucial for pluralistic democracies in the digital world, says Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Bedford-Strohm is also chairperson of the council of the Evangelical Church in Germany and was a keynote speaker at the opening of the symposium exploring challenges and opportunities for a more just digital future, in Berlin on 13-15 September, and co-organized by the EKD.

Morning Prayer for Monday, 12 April 2021

This week in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray with the people and churches of

Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.

Prayers were prepared in cooperation with the Lutheran World Federation.

Vaccination hesitance poses yet another challenge

As vaccination programmes are being rolled out in more and more countries, there is hope for an end of a pandemic which has brought fear and anxiety around the globe since early 2020. A return to an everyday life, where people can socialize with family and friends, go to work as they used to and worship God together in church on Sundays, is eagerly awaited. 

Message of LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge at the Ecumenical Strategic Forum on Diakonia and Sustainable Development

"Ecumenical Diakonia - The importance of ecumenical accompaniment for peace-building in the context of diakonia and development", presentation by Rev. Dr Martin Junge, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation at the Ecumenical Strategic Forum on Diakonia and Sustainable Development, Ecumenical Centre, Geneva, 3 – 6 October 2017

Ecumenical movement