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Protestinfo and Le Temps present WCC general secretary Jerry Pillay

The newspaper Le Temps recently published a portrait written by Protestinfo on the general secretary of the World Council of Churches, the Reverend Professor Jerry Pillay. In the article, Pillay shares stories from his childhood and also reflects on what motivates him today: his desire to heal a broken world. The article is written by journalist Lucas Vuilleumier from Protestinfo.

Exploring Christian identities and local perspectives on ecumenism

After four years as general secretary of the Conference of European Churches (CEC), Dr Jørgen Skov Sørensen has returned home to Denmark, filled with confidence in the future of CEC and its growing influence on European affairs. With a clear mandate to sharpen CEC’s purpose and profile fulfilled, and strategic directions for the future affirmed at last year’s general assembly in Estonia, he now continues an extraordinary ecumenical journey, a journey where the search for his own Christian identity has played a significant role.

WCC institute encouraged rethinking theology

The second-ever Regional Ecumenical Theological Institute, jointly organized by the All Africa Conference of Churches and the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Theological Education programme, was held 7-16 November in Abuja, Nigeria, drawing about 50 young people from all over Africa.

Blending local and global ecumenism in Asia

After being postponed twice because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) finally got underway in late September and early October 2023 in Kottayam, India. Under the theme "God, renew us in your spirit and restore the creation,” CCA member churches across Asia gathered to stake out the direction forward and evaluate accomplishments and challenges since the last assembly in 2015 in Jakarta. 

WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism begins meeting online

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism began meeting online in October, rooted in the vision of the Arusha Call to Transforming Discipleship. The commission, constituted by the WCC central committee in June, is convening with the understanding that discipleship is both an individual and community calling.

WCC hosts visitors from Finland, Germany, and Sweden

The World Council of Churches (WCC) hosted Bishop Dr Jukka Keskitalo and Rev. Pekka Mustakallio from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, to discuss the ecumenical agenda of 2023 and the harvesting of the WCC 11 th assembly, as well a group from the Centre for Ecumenism of the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau, and 21 ordinands from the Church of Sweden.