Displaying 1 - 20 of 169

Aus der Asche des Krieges: Die erste ÖRK-Vollversammlung in Europa - Amsterdam 1948

Als die Mitwirkenden an der ersten Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen (ÖRK) im August 1948 in Amsterdam zusammenkamen, zeugten die Niederlande noch von der Gewalt des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Der nahezu vollständig zerstörte Rotterdamer Hafen erstand aus den Ruinen. Viele andere Städte, Gemeinden und Dörfer in ganz Europa mühten sich mit dem Wiederaufbau ab. Östlich von Amsterdam waren Deutschland und Österreich in von den alliierten Streitmächten verwaltete Besatzungszonen aufgeteilt worden. Zwei Monate zuvor hatten die Spannungen zwischen der Sowjetunion und den westlichen Besatzern der ehemaligen deutschen Hauptstadt die Berliner Luftbrücke eingeleitet. Seit 1945 verwendeten Publikationen zunehmend den Begriff „Kalter Krieg“.

From the Ashes of War: The first WCC Assembly in Europe – Amsterdam 1948

As participants in the First Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) gathered at Amsterdam during August 1948, the Netherlands bore witness to the violence of the Second World War. The port of Rotterdam was rising from near destruction. Many other cities, towns and villages across Europe were struggling to recover. To the east, Germany and Austria were divided into zones of occupation administered by the Allied Powers. Two months earlier, tensions between the Soviet Union and the Western occupiers of the former German capital led to the start of the Berlin Airlift. Since 1945, publications had been increasing their use of the term “Cold War”.

Dr Agnes Abuom reflects on “compassionate love, inclusivity and dignity”—for all

As the World Council of Churches (WCC) focuses on final preparations for the upcoming WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, WCC moderator Dr Agnes Abuom offered some personal reflections on her leadership role within the WCC, the importance of ecumenical work, the loss of ecumenical luminary Metropolitan Gennadios of Sasima, and the most vital part of her own Christian faith.

WCC expresses grave concern over COVID-19 outbreak in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

World Council of Churches (WCC) acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca expressed grave concern about a major humanitarian crisis following the emergence of COVID-19 in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). Authorities have acknowledged the deaths of at least 50 people and that 1.2 million suspected cases – or almost 5% of the entire population – are being monitored.

WCC mourns passing of Metropolitan Joseph Mar Thoma

It is with great sadness that the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its global fellowship received the news of the passing away of His Grace The Most Rev. Dr Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan, the Supreme Spiritual Head of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church, on 18 October. 

From the heart - conversations with God online, and offline

The year 2020 is one etched forever in our memories. The unimaginable happened when a virus seized the world. Vulnerability became the norm, and fiction became a reality. Overnight life became more precious for all of us, the world’s billions. Normality took a break; frustration set in. Everything we took for granted went on hold.

ÖRK nimmt Glückwünsche zum 70-jährigen Bestehen entgegen

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat von seinen Mitgliedskirchen, Schwesterorganisationen und der weiteren ökumenischen Gemeinschaft Danksagungen und Ermutigungen anlässlich seiner seit 70 Jahren geleisteten Arbeit für christliche Einheit und Aktion übermittelt bekommen.

WCC continues to receive 70th anniversary greetings

The WCC continues to receive messages of thanksgiving and encouragement from member churches, sister organizations and the wider ecumenical movement as the fellowship marks 70 years in working for Christian unity and action.