In a pastoral letter to the Korean Christian Federation, World Council of Churches acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca expressed deep concern over the COVID-19 outbreak in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
In a pastoral letter to the Korean Christian Federation, World Council of Churches acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca expressed “very deep Christian concern” over the COVID-19 outbreak in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
World Council of Churches (WCC) acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca expressed grave concern about a major humanitarian crisis following the emergence of COVID-19 in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Authorities have acknowledged the deaths of at least 50 people and that 1.2 million suspected cases – or almost 5% of the entire population – are being monitored.
The WCC welcomes the historic meetings on 5-6 March 2018 between a South Korean special envoy delegation and the North Korean leadership in Pyongyang – the first high-level direct talks between the two Koreas in more than a decade.
Participants of the “International Conference in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the 88 Declaration” organized by the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) issued a communique that welcomes the new steps toward dialogue as an historic opportunity.
The World Council of Churches (WCC) believes that the situation on the Korean peninsula fully warrants the serious and sustained attention of the international community. There is no other geographic context in which the risk of regionally and globally catastrophic conflict is greater, and no point in recent history when tensions in the region have been higher. It is of critical and urgent necessity that the risks of conflict be reduced, not heightened.
In a letter of invitation to member churches, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit and World Communion of Reformed Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Chris Ferguson invited parishes and individuals across the world to pray for the reconciliation and healing of the divided Korean Peninsula on 13 August 2017.
Der Ausschuss für Versöhnung und Wiedervereinigung des Nationalen Kirchenrats in Korea (NCCK) hat den Entwurf der vorliegenden Liturgie erarbeitet, in der Hoffnung, dass die Kirchen sie, an ihren je eigenen Kontext angepasst, feiern werden. Das Gemeinsame Gebet für die friedliche Wiedervereinigung der koreanischen Halbinsel haben der (südkoreanische) NCCK und der Koreanische Christenbund (Nordkorea) miteinander formuliert.
Each year, Christians are invited to join in a prayer for peace and reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Prepared by the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) and the Korean Christian Federation (KCF), the prayer is traditionally used on the Sunday before 15 August every year.
El Comité de reconciliación y reunificación del Consejo Nacional de Iglesias de Corea (NCCK) elaboró esta liturgia con la esperanza de que cada iglesia pudiera adaptarla a su propio contexto. La oración conjunta por la reunificación pacífica de la península de Corea ha sido elaborada conjuntamente por el NCCK (Corea del Sur) y la Federación Cristiana Coreana (FCC) de Corea del Norte.
Le Comité pour la réconciliation et la réunification du NCCK a conçu cette liturgie dans l’espérance que chaque Église pourrait l’appliquer en se référant à sa propre situation. La Prière commune pour la réunification pacifique de la péninsule coréenne a été préparée conjointement par le NCCK (Sud) et par la Fédération chrétienne de Corée (Nord).
Order of service prepared by the National Council of Churches in Korea Reconciliation and Reunification Committee, based on the 2016 Asia Sunday liturgy from the Christian Conference of Asia.
The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK), based in the ROK, and the Korean Christian Federation (KCF),based in the DPRK, have, since 1989, jointly written an annual "common prayer for peace and reunification".
Welcome message by Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, WCC associate general secretary for Public Witness and Diakonia, at the consultation organized by the WCC and the South African Council of Churches.
Joint prayer for the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula
by the National Council of Churches in Korea and the Korean Christian Federation Central Committee
Der Nationale Kirchenrat in Korea und der Koreanische Christenbund erarbeiten jedes Jahr gemeinsam ein Gebet für Frieden und Wiedervereinigung der koreanischen Halbinsel. Dieses Gebet wird jeweils am Sonntag vor dem 15. August verwendet.
Jointly prepared by the National Council of Churches in Korea and the Korean Christian Federation, this prayer is used on the Sunday just before 15 August.