Displaying 161 - 180 of 282

Those against, raise your chairs!

"Raise your chairs," was the Rev. Dr Walter Altmann's solution to the absence of indicator cards during opening actions of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Central Committee meeting in Geneva on August 30.

Message of the Presidents of the WCC at Pentecost 2006

On the day of Pentecost described in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit transformed a diverse gathering of people - many of them drawn from distant lands (Acts 2:5-11). In February of this year, thousands of Christians from every region of the world had a similar experience - a Pentecost experience - while participating in the Assembly of the World Council of Churches held in southern Brazil.

Called to be the One Church (The Porto Alegre Ecclesiology Text)

Called to be the One Church (The Porto Alegre Ecclesiology Text)
This concise text (about 2,300 words) was adopted by WCC member churches at the Porto Alegre Assembly (February, 2006) as a basis for their renewed commitment to the search for visible unity. It invites the churches into a renewed conversation - mutually supportive, yet open and searching - about the quality of their fellowship and communion, and about the issues which still divide them. WCC member churches are asked to respond officially to the text by the next WCC Assembly; study groups and individuals are also invited to offer comments and reactions.

Commission on Faith and Order

Llamadas a ser la Iglesia Una

Esta invitación tiene dos objetivos: a) reflexionar acerca de lo que, en este momento de la peregrinación ecuménica, pueden decir juntas sobre algunos aspectos importantes de la Iglesia; y b) exhortar a las iglesias a que reanuden las conversaciones -que sirvan para apoyarse mutuamente sin perder franqueza y penetración- sobre la calidad y el grado de su comunidad y su comunión, y sobre las cuestiones que aún las dividen.

Commission on Faith and Order

Introduction to the Ecumenical conversations

Ecumenical Conversations provide a space for delegates to share their experiences in addressing key concerns for the future of the churches and their common witness and action. In dialogue, the Ecumenical Conversations will become an exciting opportunity for addressing together the prevailing dynamics and trends of today's world and discerning the signs of the times in the light of faith.



Las conversaciones ecuménicas proporcionan a los delegados un espacio para compartir sus experiencias sobre la forma en que se plantean sus preocupaciones fundamentales para el futuro de las iglesias y enfocan su testimonio y acción comunes. Las conversaciones ecuménicas ofrecerán, mediante el diálogo, una estimulante oportunidad de examinar juntos la dinámica y las tendencias predominantes del mundo de hoy y discernir los signos de los tiempos a la luz de la fe.
