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Moltmann spricht über Geist der Wahrheit in postfaktischem Zeitalter

„Nationalistisch orientierte Machtpolitik hat kein Interesse mehr an der Wahrheit. Unter dem Deckmantel des Friedens führt sie Kriege – in Form einer Mischung aus Wirtschaftssanktionen und Cyber-Kriegen, Fake News und Lügen“, sagte Prof. Dr. Jürgen Moltmann zu Beginn seines öffentlichen Vortrags am Sitz der Hauptverwaltung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) in Genf am 2. Dezember.

Moltmann reflects on spirit of truth in a post-truth era

“Nationalist power politics is no longer interested in truth. They wage war under the guise of peace, a hybrid form of war with economic sanctions and cyber wars, fake news and lies,” affirmed Prof. Dr Jürgen Moltmann at the opening of his public lecture at the headquarters of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva, 2 December.

Moltmann reflexiona sobre el espíritu de la verdad en la era de la posverdad

“La política nacionalista del poder ya no está interesada en la verdad. Hacen la guerra bajo el pretexto de la paz, una forma híbrida de guerra con sanciones económicas y ciberguerras, noticias falsas y mentiras”, afirmó el Prof. Dr. Jürgen Moltmann en la apertura de su conferencia pública en la sede del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) en Ginebra, el 2 de diciembre.

Réflexion de Moltmann sur l’esprit de vérité à l’ère de la post-vérité

«La politique des puissances nationalistes ne s’intéresse plus à la vérité. Ces puissances mènent la guerre sous l’apparence de la paix, une forme hybride de la guerre, assortie de sanctions économiques et de cyberguerres, d’informations truquées et de mensonges», a affirmé le professeur Jürgen Moltmann en introduction de la conférence publique qu’il a donnée le 2 décembre à Genève, au siège du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE).

Jonah 1:4-5 and 4:1-8 "Jonah and his Selective Ecological Concern", by Liz Vuadi Vibila (Pilgrimage Bible study)

The several climatic events in the Book of Jonah present all environmental concerns: the sea calming down (1:15), making a plant grow (4:6), and the sending of a worm (4:7), and all play a particular role in God’s plan. They are used in the text as divine emissaries, human begin is the only one to oppose God’s will in these dramatic scenes. The ecological problem and the attributes associated with the creatures remain a fundamental issue from Jonah to our current daily reality. The worm, a lowly creature, is elevated as well as the ephemeral plant. Accordingly, Jonah has to learn that the plant is appointed by God. The ecological reading on the Book of Jonah invites us to the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace in relation to the ecological justice.

WCC Programmes

Do we need an ecological reformation?

In a theological exploration of what an ecological reformation might mean in today’s context, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit spoke on 14 June at the Ev. Akademie Hofgeismar in Germany.

Roots of religion and violence in the Middle East are explored in Ecumenical Review

The latest edition of the quarterly WCC journal features a discussion of the roots of religion and violence in the Middle East. Five presentations drawn from three WCC-sponsored conferences of recent years explore aspects of the religious concepts of “promised land,” the “theology of land” and how to go about “reading the Hebrew Bible in solidarity with the Palestinian people.”

50 лет после выхода в свет Теологии надежды – видение перспективы Юргеном Мольтманом продолжает воодушевлять

По истечении пяти десятилетий после опубликования новаторской Теологии надежды (Theology of Hope) немецкий богослов Юрген Мольтман (Jürgen Moltmann) продолжает настаивать на силе надежды в «пришествие Бога» как силе, способной преобразовать весь мир.