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Embracing diversity at global gathering in Ghana

With a heart full of gratitude to God, for a time that became a sacred encounter with Christians from all over the world, Global Christian Forum (GCF) secretary, Rev. Dr Casely Essamuah, is pleased with the Fourth Global Gathering, which took place in Accra, Ghana, in April. 

A table with space for everyone

Under the theme “That the World May Know”, the Global Christian Forum (GCF) kicks off its Fourth Global Gathering, in Accra, Ghana, on Tuesday, 16 April. 

Brunnen: a well of faith-inspired initiatives

In Harare it was called Padare —a public procession celebrating a special day or event; In Porto Alegre, Mutirao —celebrating and reflecting together; In Busan, it was Madang —the traditional courtyard, a space for deliberation, celebration, and fellowship. And now in Karlsruhe, it is Brunnen —a well in the marketplace.

Multilateral Ecumenism. Sixty Years of Experience From the Perspective of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

In the field of multilateral relations, the major partner of the Catholic Church is the World Council of Churches (WCC). Founded in 1948, it is the broadest and most inclusive ecumenical organization, bringing together 350 Christian denominations including Orthodox, Lutherans, Reformed, Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists as well as United and Independent churches. Altogether they represent over 500 million Christians worldwide.

Casely Essamuah, ‘working for the greater glory of God’

Maryland-based, Ghanaian-born Rev. Dr Casely Essamuah was in February selected as secretary of the Global Christian Forum. Originally ordained in the Methodist Church in Ghana, he began his work officially in July. This week he made a study visit to the WCC and the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva and the WCC was able to converse with him.

WCC congratulates new head of Global Christian Forum

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit extended his congratulations to Dr Casely Essamuah, who has been selected as next secretary of the Global Christian Forum (GCF). Essamuah will take up the position on 1 July, following the retirement of Rev. Dr Larry Miller who has led the GCF for the last six years.

Global gathering explore perceptions of proselytism

A global consultation on “Call to Mission, Perceptions of Proselytism” in Accra, Ghana on 8-11 June provided a forum for some 30 theologians and church leaders to explore what proselytism means and how it affects a wide range of Christian traditions.

The report by the WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit to the WCC executive committee, June 2017

In his report to the Executive Committee, WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit noted that we are living in a time when the purpose and the objectives of the WCC are highly relevant.

Based on these realities, there is a need for a new search for unity, he said. “Through the many dimensions of its work, the WCC contributes to the unity of the church, and the unity that the WCC is able to express, in turn, contributes to the unity of humankind.”

General Secretary

„Größere Einheit in Christus“ Dialogschwerpunkt bei historischer Tagung in Bossey

Auf dem Weg zur Überwindung der Spaltung zwischen Christen unterschiedlicher Traditionen kamen zum ersten Mal führende Vertreterinnen und Vertreter des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), der Pentecostal World Fellowship (PWF, ein weltweiter Zusammenschluss von Pfingstkirchen), der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz (WEA) und Vatikanvertreter aus dem Rat zur Förderung der Einheit der Christen zusammen. Dieses zweitägige historische Zusammentreffen diente der Koordination ihrer Unterstützung des Globalen Christlichen Forums (GCF). Die Tagung wurde gemeinsam vom ÖRK und dem GCF ausgerichtet.

“Greater Oneness in Christ” focus of dialogue at historic meeting in Bossey

In the journey to overcome internal divisions separating Christians, the top leadership of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Pentecostal World Fellowship (PWF), World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), and the Vatican's officials for promoting Christian Unity met together for the first time, in a historic meeting 22-23 May, spending two days facilitating their support of the Global Christian Forum (GCF). The meeting was organised collaboratively by the WCC and the GCF.