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La Fédération protestante de France rend visite au COE

Une petite délégation de la Fédération protestante de France a rendu visite au Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) au Centre œcuménique de Genève le 31 août. Elle a été reçue par le secrétaire général par intérim du COE, le père Ioan Sauca. La délégation était constituée du pasteur Clavairoly, président de la Fédération protestante de France, de la pasteure Anne-Laure Danet et de Madame Aude Millet, directrice de la Communication.  

Féderation protestante de France visits WCC

A small delegation from the Féderation protestante de France visited the World Council of Churches (WCC) at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva on 31 August. Received by WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, the delegation included Féderation protestante de France president Rev. Clavairoly, pastor Anne-Laure Danet and Madame Aude Millet, communications director.  

Indigenous Peoples and the Economy of Life: Spirituality, Land, and Self-Determination

22 April 2021

As part of the New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) initiative, the World Council of Churches together with the World Communion of Reformed Churches, Lutheran World Federation, World Methodist Council and Council for World Mission will be hosting a webinar highlighting the voices of Indigenous Peoples and their understandings of the Economy of Life.  

The ecumenical spirit at Calvin’s Cathedral

Few moments in the early history of the World Council of Churches have embodied and conveyed the spirit of the modern ecumenical movement as vividly as the service celebrated at Saint Peter’s Cathedral, Geneva, 20 February 1946, less than one year after the end of World War II.

Driven by God’s grace and a sense of duty

When Rev. Dr Antje Jackelén became its first female archbishop in 2014, a major milestone was reached in the history of the Church of Sweden. It took 850 years and 69 male predecessors to get there. Jackelén also happens to be the first immigrant, at least in modern times, to occupy the highest chair of her church. That, however, she regards as a coincidence of lesser significance. For her, as a devoted Christian, the baptism matters more than the passport.   

1920 (4): Towards a Universal Conference of the Church of Christ on Life and Work

Hotel Beau-Séjour, Geneva, 8 August 1920. It’s been too cold an August, with average temperatures around 17.3 Celsius. Tomorrow is the opening day of a very promising post-war international consultation. Its title is “The Preliminary Meeting to Consider an Ecumenical Conference of the Church of Christ on Life and work.” However, I can tell you that a Church of Scotland delegate, J.-A. MacClymont, will certainly object to this awkward use of the word “ecumenical.”

Churches should use their voice on climate change

Pacific islands experience lasting impacts of the 50 years of nuclear testing and the region has become a global hotspot of climate change, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) learned in its meeting this week in Brisbane, Australia.

WCC general secretary urges unified transformative action

In a speech before the annual assembly of the Protestant Federation of France, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit reflected on the questions: Where does the ecumenical movement stand today and where should the WCC take in it in the future?