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В ходе войны в Украине разрушено около 500 церквей и религиозных объектов

Как сообщает Институт религиозной свободы, из-за российской агрессии, по меньшей мере, 494 религиозных здания в Украине были полностью разрушены, повреждены или разграблены. Захват и использование религиозных зданий для размещения российских военных баз еще больше усугубляет масштабы разрушений религиозной инфраструктуры в Украине.

Cinq cents églises et sites religieux détruits en Ukraine pendant la guerre

Selon l’Institut pour les libertés religieuses, au moins 494 édifices religieux ont été détruits, endommagés ou pillés en Ukraine des suites de l’invasion russe, et la saisie de bâtiments religieux pour en faire des bases militaires russes ne fait qu’accroître la destruction des sites religieux en Ukraine.

The Churches in International Affairs. Reports, 2010-2013.

The voices of the churches in the international arena— Ranging across the globe, this vital compendium of documents covers an astonishing array of engagement by Christian churches through the World Council of Churches and its Commission of the Churches in International Affairs: war and peace, regional and national conflicts, disarmament and nuclear weapons, violence against women, economic justice, climate justice, freedom of religion, religious intolerance, ethnic and indigenous people’s struggles—the list goes on.

The Churches in International Affairs. Reports, 2010-2013.

The voices of the churches in the international arena— Ranging across the globe, this vital compendium of documents covers an astonishing array of engagement by Christian churches through the World Council of Churches and its Commission of the Churches in International Affairs: war and peace, regional and national conflicts, disarmament and nuclear weapons, violence against women, economic justice, climate justice, freedom of religion, religious intolerance, ethnic and indigenous people’s struggles—the list goes on.