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11th Assembly Bible study - Pentecost

Part of a series of Bible studies in preparation for the WCC 11th Assembly, this seventh text was written by Karen Durant-McSweeney, from Friendship Methodist Church, Friendship Circuit, Guyana.

11th Assembly Bible study - Easter

Part of a series of Bible studies in preparation for the WCC 11th Assembly, this fifth text was written by Bishop Maxim (Vasiljevic), bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles and Western America of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers 2021, Woche 5 „Wasser an der Wall Street: der endgültige Missbrauch von Gottes Geschenk“, von Susan Smith und Dinesh Suna

Die 5. Reflexion zu den Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers 2021 des Ökumenischen Wassernetzwerks (ÖWN) des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen (ÖRK) wurde von Susan Smith und Dinesh Suna verfasst.*  In der nachfolgenden Reflexion verurteilen sie die kürzlich erfolgte Zulassung von Wasser als handelbares Wirtschaftsgut an der Wall Street.  Unter Berufung auf das biblische Versprechen, dass Gott den Durst der Armen und Elenden stillen werde, und dass Wasser allen zur Verfügung stehen müsse, auch wenn diese kein Geld haben, verkünden sie den wahren Wert des Wassers als ein Geschenk Gottes, ein Menschenrecht, ein spirituelles Wunder und die Quelle allen Lebens. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2021, week 5: "Water on Wall Street: the ultimate abuse of God’s gift", by Susan Smith and Dinesh Suna

The 5th reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2021 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) is written by Susan Smith and Dinesh Suna.*  In the following reflection, they condemn the recent listing of water on Wall Street as a tradable commodity.  Referring to the biblical assurance that God will quench the thirst of the poor and needy and that water should be made available to all even if they have no money, they proclaim the true value of water as a gift from God, a human right, a spiritual wonder and the source of all life. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2021, week 3: "Water for creation: protecting water for the sacred C’iyaal, C’waam and Koptu", by Jesse Cruz Richards

The 3rd reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2021 of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Water Network is written by Jesse Cruz Richards.*  The following reflection draws inspiration from the restoration of the Israelites from Babylonian exile as promised by Ezekiel, and from hopes and prayers for the restoration of the Klamath Tribes and other indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest to their rivers, waters and fishes, namely the C’iyaal, C’waam and Koptu. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2021, week 2: "Water for life: not guaranteed for the indigenous people of the Navajo Nation", by Annika Harley

The 2nd reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2021 of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Annika Harley.*  In the following reflection, Harley highlights the challenges of mining and fracking in the Navajo Nation based on her conversation with Bitahnii Wayne Wilson, who not only challenges these unsustainable practices, but also provides small-scale solutions to indigenous communities in the time of COVID-19.