Displaying 101 - 120 of 585

#WCC70 Amsterdam, 1948 (1): Covenanting in prayer

Dam Square, Amsterdam, 22 August, 03:00 PM. A considerable crowd is gathered outside the New Church, which unlike its name may suggest was built at the end of the 14th century and dedicated in 1409. The weather has improved after a grey morning of low clouds and light rain.

#WCC70 Amsterdam, 1948 (1): Faire alliance dans la prière

Il est 15 h en ce 22 août à Dam Square, Amsterdam. Une foule considérable est massée devant la Nouvelle Église qui, comme son nom ne l’indique pas, fut construite au XIVe siècle et dédiée en 1409. La météo est plus clémente après une grise matinée sous les nuages bas et balayée par la bruine.

Patriarch of Antioch consecrates new Syrian Orthodox Church in Oman

His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, concluded a maiden apostolic visit to the Sultanate of Oman. The highlight of the five-day visit was the consecration of the new church, Mor Shmouni, in Ghala, Muscat, Oman, on 10 May.

Different but one in Christ

From the face value, the above African proverb “A single stick may smoke, but it will not burn,” means that it actually takes a collection of sticks to have a burning fire since a single stick can only produce a thread of wispy smoke. The same is actually true with regards to our life. It is common to hear statements like ‘let us keep the fire burning’ when initiatives are started, but, most times it is just that, statements because individualism often supersedes collectivism. Little is done to fan the fire and add wood to it to ensure that it actually keeps burning.

Gottesdienste in Arusha: dynamisch und farbenfroh

Tansanische Tänze, kraftvolle Chor-Darbietungen und geschätzte Liturgie: Die afrikanischen Gottesdienste in Tansania bieten allen etwas, die auf der Suche nach Sinn sind.
Am 11. März wurde in der Christ Church Cathedral der Kilimandscharo-Diözese in Arusha die Messe in einem Geist der Gastfreundschaft gefeiert. Dazu waren christliche Schwestern und Brüder aus der ganzen Welt eingeladen, die für die Konferenz für Weltmission und Evangelisation im Lande waren.