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Workshop champions review of theological curriculum on disability

A workshop organised by the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (WCC-EDAN) with Duta Wacana Christian University from 22-25 October in Yogyakarta, Indonesia called for a review of theological curriculum on disability as the first step toward just and disability-inclusive churches. 

WCC, human rights, and the United Nations: how do they intersect?

Jennifer Philpot-Nissen, is the World Council of Churches (WCC) programme executive for Human Rights and Disarmament. She took time to explain how the WCC contributed to the recent 57th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, and her personal perspective of the value of human rights work. 

Historischer Rückblick auf dem Weg zu Einheit: 2025 wird ein wichtiges Jahr für den ÖRK

Im Jahre 2025 jährt sich zum 1.700. Mal das Erste Ökumenische Konzil in Nizäa, das im Jahre 325 stattfand und die moderne ökumenische Bewegung dazu inspirierte, sich mit grundlegenden Fragen des Glaubens und der Kirchenverfassung im Hinblick auf die Einheit der Kirche und der gesamten Menschheit zu befassen. 2025 feiern wir ebenfalls das 100. Jubiläum der Weltkonferenz für praktisches Christentum, die 1925 in Stockholm stattgefunden hat.

Celebrar la historia y avanzar hacia la unidad: 2025 será un año importante para el CMI

En 2025 se conmemorará el 1700º aniversario del primer Concilio Ecuménico, celebrado en el año 325 en Nicea, que inspiró al movimiento ecuménico moderno a trabajar en los asuntos de Fe y Constitución para lograr la unidad de la iglesia y de la humanidad. Además, en 2025 se cumplirá el centenario de la primera Conferencia Cristiana Universal sobre Vida y el Acción, celebrada en Estocolmo en 1925.

Célébrer l’histoire, en route vers l’unité: 2025, une année à marquer d’une pierre blanche pour le COE

L’année 2025 sera marquée par le 1700e anniversaire du premier Concile œcuménique qui s’est tenu à Nicée en 325 et qui inspira le mouvement œcuménique moderne à œuvrer pour ce qui sera Foi et constitution au service de l’unité de l’Église et de l’humanité. L’année 2025 sera également celle du centenaire de la première Conférence universelle du christianisme pratique organisée à Stockholm en 1925.

WCC moderator welcomes new Vatican document on the papacy

Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, moderator of the central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), has welcomed a new study document published by the Vatican in which it discusses the responses to a 1995 encyclical on Christian unity by Pope John Paul II.

Symposium on religion and international affairs will focus on role of faith and civil society in multilateral solutions

The 11th edition of the Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations will assess the trends and opportunities for the participation of civil society, and specifically faith actors, in all stages from policy formulation to implementation if the world is to achieve sustainable development, peace and security and enjoy human rights and rule of law.

EDAN at 25: “Making a way”

Reviewing a bibliography of publications just by African scholars (not even looking at global developments) on the topic of disability, one cannot help to be impressed with the breadth and depth of scholarship. The Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) has contributed directly and indirectly to many of these publications over the past 25 years. 

Global churches unite for Feast of Creation and climate action

The World Council of Churches (WCC) joined ecumenical partners for an online meeting titled “Assisi Reunion and Next Steps of Feast of Creation.” The event brought together faith leaders to discuss ongoing initiatives and plans for promoting the Feast of Creation, highlighting the critical role of faith communities in environmental stewardship and climate justice.