Displaying 1 - 20 of 611

WCC calls for debt justice and wealth taxation at the UN Social Forum

At the recent United Nations Social Forum, the World Council of Churches (WCC) led global calls for a renewed economic system that prioritizes human rights and environmental sustainability. Held from 31 October to 1 November at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, the forum brought together representatives from governments, civil society, and academe to discuss the impact of finance on development and human rights. 

The 200 years of Protestantism in Brazil and its lessons for today

“As Brazil celebrates 200 years of Protestant presence, it is essential to reflect on the relationship between faith and daily life,” says Dr Lauri Emilio Wirth, a Lutheran researcher who has recently presented an article that explores the roots and social impact of Protestantism in Brazil, highlighting how it developed within a context of immigration, cultural resistance, and socioeconomic challenges. 

WCC joins conference in France to address human relationship with nature

The World Council of Churches (WCC) participated in the sixth Annual Meeting of the Ecumenical and Francophone Society of Theology of Ecology (SOFTE) held at the Saint Hugues Spiritual Center in Biviers, France, from 2-5 July. Dr Louk Andrianos, WCC consultant on care for creation, sustainability, and climate justice, contributed virtually with a reflection on biodiversity, spirituality, and the need to redirect human greed towards oikocentrism.

“Feast of Creation” seminar explores and inspires toward global ecological transformation

The World Council of Churches (WCC) cosponsored with Laudato Si Research Institute and the World Communion of Reformed Churches, Lutheran World Federation, Anglican Communion, and World Methodist Council an international seminar on “The Feast of Creation and the Mystery of Creation: Ecumenism, Theology, Liturgy, and Signs of the Times in Dialogue,” from 14-16 March at Laudato Si’ Center of Assisi and Pro Civitate Christiana, in Italy.

Three WCC commissions close historic meeting, expressing hope in future work

As three World Council of Churches commissions—the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, Commission on Health and Healing, and Commission on Climate Justice and Sustainable Development—completed their meeting on 8 March in Geneva, they came away with a sense of collaborative determination to address the worlds challenges with hope and with practical actions. 

What can churches do to prevent modern slavery?

Jackline Makena Mutuma is a clergy with the Methodist Church in Kenya and a student at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, where her current research is related to the intersection of modern-day slavery and global warming. She was also recently elected as one of the vice moderators of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order. In a WCC interview, she reflects on the urgent issue of preventing modern slavery.

WCC urges World Economic Forum to consider longer-term good of all people

As the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting commenced in Davos beginning 15 January, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay urged the gathering to renew its commitment to multilateral cooperation for the longer-term good of all people. 

The forum is convening under the theme Rebuilding Trust.” 

Rev. Serge Fornerod reflects on crossroads of personal faith, professional life

Rev. Serge Fornerod is a former World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee, a member of the Green Village steering committee, and the new president of the FAP Foundation for Reformed Churches. He recently published a book, Les Fornerod, une famille au service de l’Église” that details the intersection of his personal faith and professional life[1].

Statement on Nigeria, in the Regional Context of Africa

As the World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee met in Abuja, Nigeria, on 8-14 November, the governing body published a statement that included deep appreciation of Nigerias “astonishing diversity of cultures, languages, and religions”—as well as appeals to the Nigerian government to address economic injustice and other grave challenges facing the nation.

Executive committee