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Statement on the need for a strong and effective arms trade treaty

The WCC affirms an arms trade treaty as a legal instrument that has three complementary tasks. It must prevent arms transfers to states where the government poses a threat to its own people or to other states. It must improve trade controls so that, where there is a high risk of re-export or diversion to organized criminals or armed groups, arms smuggling and black market sales are reduced or stopped. The ATT must also serve to protect communities and save lives.

Executive committee

Declaración sobre la necesidad de un tratado firme y eficaz sobre el comercio de armas

El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias afirma que un tratado sobre el comercio de armas constituye un instrumento jurídico que tiene tres tareas complementarias. Debe evitar las transferencias de armas a Estados en los que el Gobierno supone una amenaza para su propia población o para otros Estados. Debe mejorar los controles del comercio de forma que cuando haya un alto riesgo de reexportación o de desvío hacia bandas criminales organizadas o grupos armados, se reduzca o ponga fin al contrabando de armas y a las ventas en el mercado negro. El TCA también debe servir para proteger a las comunidades y salvar vidas.

Executive committee

What does “God's security” look like?

As a 10-year-old schoolgirl, on 6 August 1945, at 8:15 a.m., Setsuko Thurlow, then Nakamura, suddenly saw a brilliant bluish light flash outside her schoolroom window. “I remember the sensation of floating in the air. When I regained consciousness, in the total darkness and silence, I found myself in the rubble.”

From Chernobyl to tsunami stones: Life-saving lessons on peace convocation agenda

The Chernobyl disaster of 25 years ago remains a human and environmental tragedy so severe the consequences will continue for centuries. Its anniversary this week is especially timely given the current emergency in Japan which echoes some of Chernobyl’s hard lessons. To learn them would honour those who suffer from the past and could save lives in the future.