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“Remembering Past Massacres” webinar will focus on Latin America

An upcoming webinar, part of the ongoing Remembering Past Massacres” series, will focus on Latin America, with speakers reflecting on the atrocities committed against Indigenous populations in the name of Christianisation, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the ruthless military dictatorships in South America during the 1960s-80s, and the 1937 massacre of Haitians in the Dominican Republic.

DiPaz insta a un llamado internacional más firme al gobierno colombiano para que promueva la paz

En una carta dirigida el 13 de julio al Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, el Diálogo Intereclesial por la Paz en Colombia (DiPaz), plataforma intereclesial para el diálogo por la paz en ese país, hizo un llamado a la comunidad internacional para que inste al gobierno colombiano a que reanude la plena aplicación del acuerdo de paz y fortalezca los canales de diálogo para resolver problemas sociales.

DiPaz letter to the UN Security Council

In a 13 July letter to the United Nations Security Council, the Diálogo Intereclesial por la Paz en Colombia (DiPaz), an interchurch platform for dialogue for peace in Colombia, called on the international community to urge the Colombian government to resume the full implementation of the peace agreement and strengthen channels of dialogue to resolve societal issues.

Ecumenical movement

DiPaz urges stronger international call for Colombian government to advance peace

In a 13 July letter to the United Nations Security Council, the Diálogo Intereclesial por la Paz en Colombia (DiPaz), an interchurch platform for dialogue for peace in Colombia, called on the international community to urge the Colombian government to resume the full implementation of the peace agreement and strengthen channels of dialogue to resolve societal issues.

La pandemia golpea a las comunidades vulnerables y aumenta los retos sociales en una América Latina aquejada de problemas políticos

La democracia en peligro, el aumento de los casos de violencia contra las mujeres y las amenazas para el futuro de los niños. Una reunión regional con representantes de las iglesias de América Latina durante la reunión de 2021 del Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) mostró que los problemas anteriores a la pandemia golpean ahora con más fuerza a las comunidades vulnerables.

Indigenous peoples and the pandemic in the land of inequalities

476 million indigenous people live around the world, of which 11.5% live in our Latin American region. In these years that we are going from the COVID 19 pandemic in our territories (indigenous or tribal at the Latin American level), the presence of many extractive companies, mainly uranium and lithium, has increased, land traffickers and among other monoculture companies with fires for the cultivation of oil palm, logging, putting vulnerable peoples at greater risk than what is already experienced.

The pandemic does not stop the pilgrimage— it deepens the accompaniment

As part of a series of material prepared for a special edition of the WCC newsletter focusing on the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, WCC news interviewed Rev. Prof. Dr Fernando Enns, from the Association of Mennonite Congregations in Germany, and Jennifer Martin, Education in Mission secretary for the Caribbean and North America Council for Mission, United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Enns and Martin share the moderation of the Reference Group of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace since its creation in 2013.

In Colombia, “what is happening is terribly painful”

Rev. Gloria Ulloa, World Council of Churches president for Latin America and the Caribbean, is in Cali, Colombia, with a delegation of DiPaz, the country’s main ecumenical peacebuilding platform. The group is having direct grassroots contact with the conflicts currently taking place. Ulloa and others hope to bring to light testimonies of peoples and communities usually forgotten by the big media.

Below is Ulloa's latest description on the ground.

Organizaciones religiosas internacionales instan al presidente de Colombia a detener la espiral de violencia

El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias, ACT Alianza, la Federación Luterana Mundial, la Comunión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas, la Comunión Anglicana, el Consejo Metodista Mundial, el Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano y la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana instan al presidente de Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, en una carta enviada el 18 de mayo, a detener la espiral de violencia que está causando un terrible daño a la población civil.

Carta ecuménica al presidente de Colombia

Como organizaciones eclesiásticas internacionales que desde hace mucho tiempo brindan apoyo a los esfuerzos por la paz en Colombia, sumamos nuestras voces a la multitud de llamados urgentes de la comunidad internacional para que las autoridades colombianas detengan la espiral de violencia que está causando un daño terrible. a la población civil.

General Secretary

International church-based organizations urge Colombian president to stop spiral of violence

The World Council of Churches, ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Anglican Communion, World Methodist Council, Latin American Episcopal Council and World Association for Christian Communication, in a letter sent 18 May, urged Colombian president Iván Duque Marquéz to stop the spiral of violence that is doing terrible harm to the civilian population.