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The interfaith action and ministry of Archbishop Anastasios of Albania

In our brief article, as an expression of love and deep appreciation for the esteemed Archbishop of Tirana, Anastasios, we present, as much as possible, his significant contribution to interfaith dialogue and his active involvement in actions and initiatives aimed at establishing peaceful and just coexistence among all people, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, or cultural identity.

Am Internationalen Tag der Jugend haben junge Erwachsene eine klare Botschaft: Wir engagieren uns leidenschaftlich für den Frieden

Am 12. August haben junge Menschen weltweit am Ökumenischen Internationalen Tag der Jugend des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) teilgenommen, der sich unter dem Thema „Eine Reise der Gerechtigkeit, des Friedens und der Einheit: Ein Aufruf zur Beendigung der Gewalt“ versammelt hat. Diese Online-Veranstaltung hat die Erfahrungen und die Widerstandskraft junger Menschen und Kinder in den Mittelpunkt gestellt, die inmitten von Konflikten leben, und darauf aufmerksam gemacht, wie übermächtig der Wunsch nach Frieden und Unterstützung ist.

On International Youth Day, young people send clear message: we are strong peace-builders

On 12 August, young people across the world participated in the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical International Youth Day, which convened under the theme "Journey of Justice, Peace, and Unity: A Call to End Violence." The online event highlighted the experiences and resilience of young people and children living amidst conflict, emphasizing the urgent need for peace and support.

WCC expresses solidarity with churches and communities in Pakistan

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay expressed solidarity with churches and communities in Pakistan upon receiving the news of the brutal attack of Nazir Masih, a Christian, and the subsequent destruction of homes and businesses owned by the local Christian community in Sargodha in Punjab province, in Pakistan. 

Blending local and global ecumenism in Asia

After being postponed twice because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) finally got underway in late September and early October 2023 in Kottayam, India. Under the theme "God, renew us in your spirit and restore the creation,” CCA member churches across Asia gathered to stake out the direction forward and evaluate accomplishments and challenges since the last assembly in 2015 in Jakarta. 

Ecumenical Asia's 15th General Assembly looks to emerging challenges

This week, 500 participants from all over Asia gather in Kottayam, India, to evaluate the last eight years of ecumenical work and look to challenges ahead, such as the impact of youth migration. Under the theme "God, renew us in your spirit and restore the creation", the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) holds its 15th General assembly.

WCC condemns bomb attack in Pakistan

The World Council of Churches (WCC) condemned a bomb attack in Pakistan that killed 40 people and injured 200 others—including children—as they gathered for a political rally in Pakistans northwestern Bajur district. At least 40 people were killed and nearly 200 wounded, including children. The attack is one of the worst in recent years.

Vast challenges in Asia call for unity

By far the largest region, both in terms of population and geographical size, the Asia region faces an array of pertinent issues for the churches to address and engage in. Stretching from Iran in the west to Japan in the east and from Nepal in the north to New Zealand in the south, the region encompasses a wide range of cultures and religions.

Regional perspectives brought to the 11th Assembly

Participants of the World Council of Churches’(WCC) 11th Assembly had the opportunity to meet and share with others from their regions on Friday, September 2. The format and discussions of the eight regions demonstrated the diversity of cultures from Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America, and Pacific – and ranged from the issues they wished to make visible in the assembly to regional representation on committees and the election of the WCC presidents.