Displaying 1 - 20 of 1087

Metropolitan Dr Vasilios reflects on challenges—and hope—for real peace in Cyprus

The World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee met in Cyprus from 21-26 November at the invitation of the Church of Cyprus, Holy Metropolis of Constantia and Ammochostos, extended by H.E. Metropolitan Dr Vasilios of Constantia - Ammochostos, Church of Cyprus, WCC president. The metropolitan reflected on the history of conflict and occupation, and the ongoing hope for peace, in Cyprus. 

WCC shares insights on Nicaea with Partners in Global Mission

World Council of Churches (WCC) programme director for Unity, Mission, and Ecumenical Formation Rev. Dr Kuzipa Nalwamba shared a presentation on the Ecumenical Council at Nicaea, and its 1700th anniversary to be commemorated in 2025, with Partners in Global Mission (Anglican Communion). 

La Commission des jeunes du COE se réunit pour la première fois en personne

La Commission des jeunes dans le mouvement œcuménique (JMO) du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) s’est réunie à Manille, aux Philippines, pour sa première réunion en personne depuis sa création. Du 13 au 19 novembre, ce rassemblement réunit des jeunes responsables œcuméniques du monde entier afin de faire entendre plus fort la voix des jeunes, de relever les défis mondiaux et locaux urgents et d’établir des stratégies internationales concrètes pour des initiatives menées par les jeunes.

WCC youth commission gathers for first in-person meeting

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on Young People in the Ecumenical Movement (YPEM) convened in Manila, Philippines, marking the start of its first in-person meeting since its formation. The gathering, scheduled from 13-19 November, unites young ecumenical leaders from around the globe with a mission to amplify youth voices, address pressing global and local challenges, and establish intentional, actionable strategies for youth-led faith initiatives.

Greetings on Reformation Day 2024

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay sent greetings to the Lutheran World Federation to mark Reformation Day, which also marks the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church.

General Secretary

Greetings on Reformation Day 2024

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay sent greetings to the Lutheran World Federation to mark Reformation Day, which also marks the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church.

General Secretary

An encouraging encounter

I had the privilege of being part of a delegation from the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht welcoming a delegation from the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church to celebrate the Thiruvalla Agreement declaring our church communion reached in February 2024 after both churches had received the results of eight years of dialogue.

Célébrer l’histoire, en route vers l’unité: 2025, une année à marquer d’une pierre blanche pour le COE

L’année 2025 sera marquée par le 1700e anniversaire du premier Concile œcuménique qui s’est tenu à Nicée en 325 et qui inspira le mouvement œcuménique moderne à œuvrer pour ce qui sera Foi et constitution au service de l’unité de l’Église et de l’humanité. L’année 2025 sera également celle du centenaire de la première Conférence universelle du christianisme pratique organisée à Stockholm en 1925.