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On International Youth Day, young people send clear message: we are strong peace-builders

On 12 August, young people across the world participated in the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical International Youth Day, which convened under the theme "Journey of Justice, Peace, and Unity: A Call to End Violence." The online event highlighted the experiences and resilience of young people and children living amidst conflict, emphasizing the urgent need for peace and support.

WCC shares resources with Korean Christians on climate-responsible banking for children

On 27 October Korean Theology Forum on Climate Crisis organized a conference The Response of the WCC to the Climate Crisis and its Policy for Carbon Neutrality” for the formation of church leaders, pastors and students interested in ways to connect local activities to the global horizon. The conference was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of the Republic of Korea.

Multifaith advocacy for the climate: Not really much time left

The signs are on the wall. The last decade was the warmest on record. Of the 20 warmest years, 19 occurred since 2000. And evidence indicates that this is due to the rise of greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activity. World’s scientists have warned that, at the current rate, the world could cross 1.5˚C hotter as soon as 2030. That’s less than a decade from now, well within the lifespan of most people alive today

Prayer for the nation of Ethiopia

World Council of Churches acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca led a prayer for love, peace and kindness for the nation of Ethiopia during a service at the historic Abyssinian Baptist Church in New York on 19 June.

Lamentation in a Pandemic

Two months ago, I would not have spent a Sunday afternoon driving through a deserted city. There were people out and about, walking with children in strollers, jogging, laughing. Some were driving to do errands and buy groceries. Although it was sunny, there was still a somber pall over the city. I am told the same is true of New York and Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, and other cities.

WCC condemns attacks in Nigeria, Syria and Somalia, calls for end to violence

World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit condemned attacks across the world that have occurred during a violent week during which many have lost their lives or lost their loved ones. “Violent attacks on innocent human beings in the name of any religion cannot be accepted, and should not be accepted by any religion.”

WCC condemns violence in Syria

As Turkey pursues its military operation in north-east Syria, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is gravely concerned about the humanitarian impact on the people of the region. It is reported that tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing from the first waves of the Turkish attack, and that hundreds of thousands of people are now directly in harm’s way.