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Protestinfo and Le Temps present WCC general secretary Jerry Pillay

The newspaper Le Temps recently published a portrait written by Protestinfo on the general secretary of the World Council of Churches, the Reverend Professor Jerry Pillay. In the article, Pillay shares stories from his childhood and also reflects on what motivates him today: his desire to heal a broken world. The article is written by journalist Lucas Vuilleumier from Protestinfo.

In Lithuania, university students build culture of peace through Thursdays in Black

Thursdays in Black Trailblazers are individuals, churches, schools and universities, networks and grassroot groups who have made a real impact in raising community awareness about gender-based violence and transforming attitudes and practices to prevent rape and abuse. LCC International University in Lithuania is one example of efforts to break a culture of silence, help survivors move towards healing, and work towards preventing abuse and violence.

WCC moderator welcomes new Vatican document on the papacy

Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, moderator of the central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), has welcomed a new study document published by the Vatican in which it discusses the responses to a 1995 encyclical on Christian unity by Pope John Paul II.