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Can we end our societal addiction to fossil fuels?

Rev. Henrik Grape is senior advisor on Care for Creation, Sustainability, and Climate Justice for the World Council of Churches (WCC). He reflects below on the recently released report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Grape is a member of the WCC delegation that will attend the UN climate talks (COP26) in Glasgow.

Nach Veröffentlichung des UN-Berichts zum Klimawandel weist der ÖRK nachdrücklich darauf hin, dass „die Zeichen der Zeit noch nie deutlicher waren“

Während die Menschen in zahlreichen Regionen unter den Auswirkungen der alle Rekorde brechenden Hitzewellen, verheerenden Waldbrände und extremen Überschwemmungen leiden, hat der stellvertretende Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen, Pastor Dr. Odair Pedroso Mateus, die Leidtragenden in seine Gebete eingeschlossen und fordert angesichts der jüngsten wissenschaftlichen Beweise für den Anstieg der globalen Temperaturen dringend Gegenmaßnahmen.

Ante la publicación del informe de la ONU sobre el cambio climático, el CMI afirma que “los signos de los tiempos nunca han sido tan evidentes”

En un contexto en el que las poblaciones de muchas regiones sufren los efectos de niveles récord de calor, incendios devastadores e inundaciones extremas, el Rev. Dr. Odair Pedroso Mateus, secretario general adjunto del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), oró por quienes sufren y reaccionó de inmediato a las últimas pruebas científicas que indican que la temperatura mundial está aumentando.

Faith-based groups join for intense prayer and action on climate

Global faith-based organizations, including the World Council of Churches, are jointly planning an intense period of prayer and action related to climate justice. Online prayers on 12 August and 26 August are open to the public with the goal of praying for the climate continuously until the COP26 climate talks are held in November in Glasgow, Scotland.

Suite à la publication par l’ONU d’un rapport sur le changement climatique, le COE souligne que « les signes des temps n’ont jamais été aussi clairs »

Alors que les populations de nombreuses régions souffrent des effets d’une chaleur record, d’incendies de forêt dévastateurs et d’inondations extrêmes, le Secrétaire général adjoint du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), le pasteur Odair Pedroso Mateus, a évoqué ces souffrances dans la prière, tout en réagissant de toute urgence aux dernières données scientifiques indiquant que la température mondiale augmente.

African church leaders to declare stand on climate change

African church leaders are convening at a roundtable hosted by the All Africa Conference of Churches from 18-20 May in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa to deliberate on the impact of climate change in Africa, and the need for the voices of the ecumenical community to be heard.

Ecumenical groups gather to prepare for UN climate talks

On the road to the next UN Climate Conference (the 26th Conference of Parties, or COP 26), churches and groups from a range of Christian traditions organised a webinar titled, “Raise Your Voice in Faith for Climate Justice,” on 13 May as part of the Global Action and Prayer for Climate Justice.