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WCC condemns assault at German Christmas market

Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), and Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, WCC moderator, have strongly condemned the act of violence perpetrated against people visiting a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, on 20 December.

View a webinar to explore theology and AI

A video is now available of a webinar, Theology and Artificial Intelligence: Systematic and Denominational Perspectives,” co-organized by the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches (WCC), that analyzed challenges posed by generative AI and trans-humanism for theological aspects such as the personhood and the image of God, the meaning of the Incarnation, and the Trinity.

WCC reiterates important role of UN relief agency in Gaza, Lebanon

World Council of Churches (WCC) moderator Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm and director of the WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs Peter Prove met online with representatives from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).