Displaying 1 - 20 of 1698

Global institute convenes leaders in Kenya to reimagine a just economy

From 19-30 August, 27 church and youth leaders from 23 countries gathered in Limuru, Kenya, for the 7th edition of the Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics, and Management for an Economy of Life (GEM School). The participants included church leaders, pastors, theological students, finance, economics, and ecological justice experts.

Message clair des jeunes à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la jeunesse: comptez sur nous pour œuvrer à la paix

Le 12 août, des jeunes du monde entier ont pris part à la Journée œcuménique internationale de la jeunesse du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), réuni-e-s sur le thème «Cheminement de justice, de paix et d’unité: un appel pour mettre fin à la violence.» Cet événement en ligne a mis en exergue les expériences et la résilience des jeunes et des enfants en situation de conflit, soulignant le besoin urgent de paix et de soutien.

On International Youth Day, young people send clear message: we are strong peace-builders

On 12 August, young people across the world participated in the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical International Youth Day, which convened under the theme "Journey of Justice, Peace, and Unity: A Call to End Violence." The online event highlighted the experiences and resilience of young people and children living amidst conflict, emphasizing the urgent need for peace and support.

Memories of the Ecumenical Women’s Group

My first contact with the Ecumenical Womens Group was a week after our arrival in Geneva, in September 1978, when a member of the group who was area hostess in Collex-Bossy, invited me for a cup of coffee, and two weeks later I went to the monthly general meeting in Salle 2-3 at the Ecumenical Centre. 

Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of the Near East commemorates centennial

The Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of the Near East (UAECNE) gathered for a celebratory service on 30 June at the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Beirut. The service, commemorating the centennial of the union, was attended by representatives of churches from different Middle Eastern and global churches, the ambassador of Armenia, Lebanese members of Parliament, representatives of Armenian political parties, pastors, and a large number of members of Armenian Evangelical congregations.

WCC joins conference in France to address human relationship with nature

The World Council of Churches (WCC) participated in the sixth Annual Meeting of the Ecumenical and Francophone Society of Theology of Ecology (SOFTE) held at the Saint Hugues Spiritual Center in Biviers, France, from 2-5 July. Dr Louk Andrianos, WCC consultant on care for creation, sustainability, and climate justice, contributed virtually with a reflection on biodiversity, spirituality, and the need to redirect human greed towards oikocentrism.