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View a webinar to explore theology and AI

A video is now available of a webinar, Theology and Artificial Intelligence: Systematic and Denominational Perspectives,” co-organized by the Canadian Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches (WCC), that analyzed challenges posed by generative AI and trans-humanism for theological aspects such as the personhood and the image of God, the meaning of the Incarnation, and the Trinity.

Utiliser l’IA au service du bien social: l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés partage des pratiques novatrices

À l’occasion d’une présentation donnée le 10 septembre dans le cadre de la Conférence européenne de l’internet chrétien à Genève, Hovig Etyemezian, responsable de l’Innovation Service de l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, revient sur les possibles utilisations de l’intelligence artificielle au service du bien social.

Theology and AI: Faith and Life Sciences Webinar

01 October 2024

A webinar on 1 October, Theology & Artificial Intelligence: Systematic and Denominational Perspectives,” will explore how generative AI and trans-humanism challenge our understanding of personhood and the image of God. 


European Christian Internet Conference will build connections

Agnieszka Godfrejów-Tarnogórska, president of the European Christian Internet Conference network, is a communication officer of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland. As the European Christian Internet Conference is set to run from 9-11 September in Bossey and Geneva, she took time to touch upon some highlights of the upcoming event.