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Desaparecidas e Assassinadas: Enfrentando o Femicídio e a Violência Sexual e de Gênero em nosso Contexto Global

25 November - 02 December 2021

Estatísticas coletas pela ONU em 2017 indicam que 87.000 mulheres foram mortas naquele ano por causa de seu gênero. Desses assassinatos, 58% – um total de 137 mulheres todos os dias – foram mortas por um membro de sua própria família ou parceiro íntimo. A pandemia de COVID-19 exacerbou ainda mais essa violência, ao ponto que, em setembro de 2020, 121 países haviam instituído e adotado novas medidas para apoiar e/ou prestar mais cuidados às mulheres sobreviventes de violência como parte de seus planos de resposta à COVID. 

Desaparecidas y asesinadas: hacer frente al feminicidio y a la violencia sexual y de género en nuestro contexto mundial

25 November - 02 December 2021

Las estadísticas recopiladas por las Naciones Unidas en 2017 indicaron que 87 000 mujeres fueron asesinadas ese año por motivos de género. De esos asesinatos, el 58% (137 mujeres cada día) fueron cometidos por un familiar de la víctima o por su pareja. El surgimiento de la pandemia de COVID-19 ha exacerbado la violencia hasta tal punto que, en septiembre de 2020, 121 países habían instituido y aprobado, en el marco de sus planes de respuesta ante la COVID-19, nuevas medidas de apoyo y/o asistencia a las mujeres víctimas de la violencia. 

Missing and Murdered: Addressing Femicide and Sexual and Gender-based Violence in our Global Context

25 November - 02 December 2021

Join us in two online meetings addressing the shadow pandemic of femicide and sexual and gender-based violence. Statistics gathered by the UN in 2017 indicated that 87,000 women were killed because of their gender. Of those murders, 58 percent – 137 women each day - were killed by a member of their own family or intimate partner. The onset of Covid-19 has exacerbated the violence, so much so, that by September 2020, 121 countries instituted and adopted new measures to provide support and/or care for women survivors of violence as part of their Covid-19 response plans.  

Regional Webinar on Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination in Africa

21 October 2019

The thematic focus of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace (PJP) in 2019 is Racism.The WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA), organises a series of eight WCC CCIA regional expert Webinars on the issue of racism and racial justice from August to December 2019. The aim of the webinars is to explore how racism manifests itself in the respective regions, learn about the work that churches and ecumenical partners are doing in this respect, identify synergies and avenues for possible collaboration.


The Ecumenical International Youth Day| Transforming Education

12 August 2019

This year, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), in partnership with the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), will observe together the International Youth Day (IYD) with the theme: “Transforming Education.” Youth are the future of the church, and they are great advocates for Christian unity. The WCC wants to empower young Christians to liven up the ecumenical movement.

The Ecumenical Centre