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Siete Semanas por el Agua 2024, semana 4: "Sed de justicia: El punto de vista de una mujer dalit sobre el derecho al agua"

La cuarta reflexión de la serie, Siete Semanas para el Agua 2024, de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), está escrita por la Rvda. Dra. Anupama Hial. En esta reflexión recuerda sus luchas en el pasado como mujer dalit, en la India, para lograr el acceso a agua salubre. Desafía a las iglesias a ser catalizadoras para que se cumpla la promesa de Isaías de proporcionar agua gratuita a todos los sedientos, especialmente a las mujeres dalit.. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 4: "Thirst for justice: a Dalit women’s perspective on water rights"

The  fourth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Rev. Dr Anupama Hial.  In this reflection, she recalls her struggles in the past as a Dalit woman in India to get access to clean water.  She challenges churches to be a catalyst for fulfilling the promise of Isaiah to provide free water to all who are thirsty, especially to the Dalit women. 

Thirty days that changed the ecumenical movement

No holidays for William Temple, Archbishop of York, early in August 1937. The ecumenical movement for the social responsibility of the churches, known as Life and Work,” had just held its world conference in Oxford, 12-26 July, with the church struggle against emerging totalitarian states at the heart of its theme and work. Temple had drafted the final message of the conference, known for the motto let the Church be the Church.”   

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 1: "The rainbow color of the pilgrimage of water justice in North America", by Michele Roberts

Originally published in 2021, the 1st reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2023 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Michele Roberts*, from the Environmental Justice Health Alliance. In this reflection, the author, based on several instances of large scale water contamination in many cities in the USA, comes to a conclusion that lack of access to clean water in USA is a result of systemic racism.