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Expressing trauma through art: Yazidi women share stories

In connection with the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Church of Norway, Norwegian Church Aid, Stefanus Alliance, and The Norwegian Council on Religions and Life Stance Communities organized an exhibit and seminar through which Yazidi women expressed their trauma though art therapy and storytelling. 

Tackling sexual violence in war

War has always tragically impacted women and children, but the traumatic effects of weaponizing women in war have long been swept under the carpet.On 8 December, the World Council of Churches (WCC) held a hybrid discussion watched globally as part of the 16 Days Against Gender-based Violence. 

Weaponizing Women in War

08 December 2023

This hybrid event during 16 Days against gender-based violence focuses on the impacts of weaponizing women in war, the transformational healing required, and ways women's input can influence peace-building.

Ecumenical Centre, Geneva and Online