Document Liturgical song - music "Pray for Peace" hymn A “human chain” singing for peace and a new hymn by Swedish composer and pastor Per Harling are just two of many creative ways people are expressing their yearning for peace. 30 March 2022 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Señor, renueva tu paz A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 01 June 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Aleluya A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 01 June 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Caminando hacia tí, oh Dios A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 01 June 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music El es nuestra paz A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 01 June 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music El mundo pide paz A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music En camino sigamos A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music En Cristo hay nueva vida A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Escucha, Señor A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Envío A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Gloria en lo alto a Dios A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Gracias, Señor, por la vida A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music La paz de Dios sea contigo A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music La mesa de la paz A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Nana del Adviento A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Mi paz les dejo A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Nuestra ofrenda A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Que la paz que nace en nosotros A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes
Document Liturgical song - music Que nuestro Dios, creador A song from the booklet "Imagine: Peace" 31 May 2021 WCC Programmes