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WCC General Recommendations for UN PFPAD Third Session (16-19 April 2024)

The World Council of Churches (WCC), a global fellowship of 352 churches representing more than half a billion Christians from around the world, has been deeply involved in the work of the United Nations from as early as 1946 through its Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA). The WCC is a platform for common action by churches on issues that negate or threaten the dignity of all people. 

WCC Programmes

World Health Day Prayer Sunday 7 April 2024

With the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray for the people and churches of Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria.

World Health Day is April 7 when the World Health Organization commemorates its 76th anniversary. This year the theme is 'My Health, My Right, which reminds us to advocate for equitable access to health services and work towards a healthier, more inclusive world.  

WCC Programmes

Advocacy Outline - WCC-EAPPI Easter Initiative 2024

As we witness the ongoing violence and injustice in the Holy Land and seek to stand in solidarity with its peoples struggling to find peace, the 2024 WCC-EAPPI Easter initiative lifts up the call to roll away the heavy stone of violence, war, and occupation, pain, and suffering, and to remind the world of what is needed to bring about peace, and to transform swords into ploughshares.

WCC Programmes

GEM School 2023 - Invitation to Apply

In order to strengthen the voice of the churches with regards to global economics, a group of up to 20 current and future leaders representing the churches will have the opportunity to attend the Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics and Management (GEM School) for an Economy of Life in Nairobi, Kenya (TBC) from 19 until 30 August 2024.

WCC Programmes

Olive harvest fact sheet, October 2023

Olive trees are more than just a source of food for many Palestinian families; the trees are treated with great care because Palestinians have a deep connection to their land. Olive picking has always been a family activity in October and November each year. Olive trees are seen as an integral component of Palestinian history, culture, and religious identity.

WCC Programmes