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Tari-dalana hoan’ny fiangonana momba ny fisorohana ny Mamany Lava

WCC Human Rights programme

This guide aims to raise awareness in churches and church communities of the catastrophic condition of obstetric fistula—a childbirth injury usually caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without timely medical intervention. Obstetric fistula can have devastating physical, emotional, and economic consequences for women and can even result in permanent disability.

It introduces readers to obstetric fistula and explains why churches need to be concerned. It discusses how churches can help prevent the condition from occurring in the women in their congregations and local communities. It also offers practical and emotional support and encouragement to those who are suffering with obstetric fistula. Finally, this guide outlines the advocacy work being done and suggests some actions churches can take.

Available for download in English, Portuguese, and Malagasy.

WCC Annual Review 2023

For Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity

The annual review records many of the WCC’s activities undertaken in 2023 and continuing into 2024.

The year 2023 was one of new beginnings: the WCC central committee met in person for the first time since the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe in September 2022, the WCC commissions newly convened, and implementation of the WCC Strategic Plan for 2023- 2030 started. The WCC Annual Review includes a special visual section commemorating the WCC’s 75th anniversary and highlighting an unprecedented number of exhibitions that graced the Ecumenical Centre.

Christ’s Love (Re)moves Borders

Reflections from GETI 2022

The Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) of 2022 was an intercultural, short-term, academic study and exposure programme. It was a six-week blended learning experience - four weeks online and two weeks in residence alongside the 11th WCC Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 28 August to 8 September 2022. The programme was designed to explore the theme, “Christ’s Love (Re)moves Borders”. 

The tapestry that ensues in this volume brings together the keynote contributions of plenary speakers with the interventions and perspectives of GETI 2022 students in an intergenerational and interdisciplinary theological discussion grounded in scripture and in Christ’s love.

Site Semanas por el Agua 2024: La Tierra que gime necesita la resurrección del “agua de la vida”

La última reflexión de la serie, Siete Semanas para el Agua 2024, de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), está escrita conjuntamente por la Revda. Audra Hudson Stone y Jacob Stone. Sostienen que las catástrofes naturales ya no son naturales, sino provocadas por el ser humano. Estas catástrofes son el gemido de la Tierra, que llama nuestra atención para que enmendemos nuestros actos. Los Stones tienen la esperanza de que, al igual que Jesús se liberó de las cadenas de la muerte, la Madre Tierra también se liberará de su desesperación, sufrimiento y muerte a través del “agua de la vida”: Jesucristo. Para ello, ¡tenemos que favorecer y practicar la “resurrección” de la Tierra!

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, final refection: "Groaning earth needs resurrection through 'water of life'"

The last reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is jointly written by Rev. Audra Hudson Stone and Jacob Stone. They argue that natural disasters are not natural anymore; rather, they are human-induced. These disasters are the groaning of the earth, which is drawing our attention to mend our ways. The Stones are hopeful that, as Jesus rose from the shackles of death, the mother earth, too, will rise from its despair, suffering, and death through the water of life”—Jesus Christ. To that end, we need to facilitate and practice resurrection” of the earth!

Siete Semanas por el Agua, semana 7: "Agua para la paz en la región Africana"

La séptima reflexión de la serie, Siete Semanas para el Agua 2024, de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), está escrita por la Prof.ª Dra. Isabel Apawo Phiri. En ella, reflexiona sobre uno de los primeros conflictos por el agua de los que se tiene constancia en la Biblia y llama nuestra atención sobre los conflictos actuales por el agua, con ejemplos de conflictos hídricos transfronterizos en su región de África. Destaca a Isaac, que eligió, una y otra vez, la paz frente a los conflictos hídricos; un mensaje oportuno para el Día Mundial del Agua de 2024 y su lema “Agua para la paz”. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 7: "Water for peace in the Africa region"

The seventh reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri. She reflects on one of earliest conflicts over water recorded in the Bible, and draws our attention to today’s water conflicts, giving examples of transboundary water conflicts in her region in Africa. She highlights Isaac, who chose peace over conflict related to water, time after time—a fitting message for the World Water Day 2024 and its theme, Water for Peace.” 

Compêndio De Práticas Promissoras de intervenções de comunidades religiosas africanas contra o HIV em crianças e adolescentes

Sumário Executivo

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

Esse relatório vital reúne lições essenciais sobre a excepcional liderança das comunidades religiosas no enfrentamento do desafio do HIV em crianças. Ele documenta as evidências das principais funções que as comunidades religiosas têm desempenhado na identificação de crianças não diagnosticadas que vivem com HIV, melhorando a continuidade do tratamento e apoiando a adesão aos cuidados e ao tratamento. Ele também documenta lições de como as lideranças religiosas têm atuado de forma incisiva para combater o estigma e a discriminação e pressionar para que as metas sejam alcançadas. É um documento feito para ajudar as comunidades religiosas – e as pessoas que as apoiam e fazem parceria com elas – a trazer avanços radicais na busca pela meta de acabar com a AIDS em crianças até 2030.

Recueil: De Pratiques Prometteuses dans les interventions des communautés religieuses en Afrique contre le VIH chez les enfants et les adolescents

Résumé Analytique

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

Ce rapport vital compile des enseignements essentiels tirés du rôle moteur exceptionnel des communautés religieuses pour combattre le VIH chez les enfants. Il documente des données sur le rôle fondamental joué par les communautés religieuses pour identifier les enfants non diagnostiqués vivant avec le VIH, améliorer la continuité du traitement et soutenir l’adhésion aux soins et au traitement. Il répertorie également les enseignements tirés de la manière dont les responsables religieux ont mené des actions de plaidoyer pour s’attaquer à la stigmatisation et la discrimination et oeuvrer en faveur de la réalisation des objectifs. Il permettra aux communautés religieuses, et à tous leurs soutiens et partenaires, de promouvoir un changement de taille dans les activités pour mettre fin au SIDA chez les enfants d’ici à 2030.

Compendium of Promising Practices of African Faith Community Interventions against Paediatric and Adolescent HIV

Executive Summary

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium in 2023. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

This vital report brings together essential lessons from faith communities’ exceptional leadership in addressing the challenge of HIV in children. It documents evidence from the core roles that faith communities have played in identifying undiagnosed children living with HIV, improving the continuity of treatment, and supporting adherence to care and treatment. It also documents lessons from how faith leaders have driven advocacy to tackle stigma and discrimination and push for targets to be achieved. It will help faith communities and those who support and partner with them to advance a step change in progress towards the goal of ending AIDS in children by 2030.

Site Semanas por el Agua, semana 6: "Agua depurada, gente pacífica: Una reflexión desde Pasifika (Pacífico)"

La sexta reflexión de la serie, Siete Semanas para el Agua 2024, de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) está escrita por el Rev. Dr. Jione Havea, de la región del Pacífico. Reflexionando sobre la interesante historia de la Biblia en la que Moisés convierte el agua amarga de Mara en agua potable, con la ayuda de Dios, Havea sostiene que el agua potable puede traer la paz mientras que la falta de agua es una fuente de conflicto, para después animar a los lectores a abogar por la justicia hídrica.

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 6: "Cured water, peaceable people: A reflection from Pasifika (Pacific)"

The sixth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Rev. Dr Jione Havea from the Pacific region. Reflecting on the interesting story of the Bible where Moses turns the bitter water of Marah into drinkable water, with the help of God, Havea argues that drinkable water can bring peace while lack of water is a source of conflict. Then he encourages the readers to advocate for water justice. 

Site semanas por el agua 2024, semana 5: "Discernir los signos de los tiempos en medio de lluvias y tormentas"

La quinta reflexión de la serie Siete Semanas para el Agua 2024, de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), está escrita por la Rvda. Jane Stranz. En esta reflexión, se detiene en el texto en el que Jesús calma una tormenta, mientras sus discípulos estaban aterrorizados. Nos insta a que pasemos de ampararnos en un Dios con poderes mágicos a tener fe en un Dios que nos llama a participar activamente en el milagro de vencer el miedo. Jesús nos llama a participar en la interpretación de los signos de los tiempos y a emprender juntos una acción responsable por el Reino. Un claro toque de atención en nuestra defensa de la justicia hídrica y la justicia climática.

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 5: "Amid rain and storms, discerning the signs of the times"

The fifth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by  Rev. Jane Stranz. In this reflection, she dwells on the text where Jesus calms a storm, while his disciples were panicked.  She calls for a conversion from relying on a God with magical powers to having faith in a God who calls us to take an active part in the miracle of overcoming fear. Jesus calls us to share in interpreting the signs of the times and take responsible action together for the kingdom.  A clarion call indeed in our advocacy for water justice and climate justice.

Waterfall of Solidarity and Resistance

sharing the stories

The Waterfall of Solidarity and Resistance is a tapestry of over 180 cloth panels, all conveying stories of pain, resistance and hope in efforts to overcome sexual and gender-based violence.  The World Council of Churches invited individuals and groups to contribute panels as part of the Thursdays in Black global movement, and the resulting tapestry was launched at the WCC’s 11th Assembly in September 2022. 

The tapestry itself makes a profound and moving statement of our need and commitment to a world without rape and violence. This publication brings all the panels and the stories and explanations of their creation together so that the words and images can make an even greater impact in our homes and communities. 

Siete Semanas por el Agua 2024, semana 4: "Sed de justicia: El punto de vista de una mujer dalit sobre el derecho al agua"

La cuarta reflexión de la serie, Siete Semanas para el Agua 2024, de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), está escrita por la Rvda. Dra. Anupama Hial. En esta reflexión recuerda sus luchas en el pasado como mujer dalit, en la India, para lograr el acceso a agua salubre. Desafía a las iglesias a ser catalizadoras para que se cumpla la promesa de Isaías de proporcionar agua gratuita a todos los sedientos, especialmente a las mujeres dalit.. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 4: "Thirst for justice: a Dalit women’s perspective on water rights"

The  fourth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Rev. Dr Anupama Hial.  In this reflection, she recalls her struggles in the past as a Dalit woman in India to get access to clean water.  She challenges churches to be a catalyst for fulfilling the promise of Isaiah to provide free water to all who are thirsty, especially to the Dalit women. 

Siete Semanas por el Agua 2024, semana 3: “Celebrar la vida de Jesús en el agua a través del prisma de la justicia”

La tercera reflexión de la serie, Siete Semanas para el Agua 2024, de la Red Ecuménica del Agua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), está escrita por el Rvdmo Dr. Augustinos Bairactaris. En esta reflexión, subraya que la justicia hídrica es una tarea teológica para todas las personas, y que la salud del agua es vital para la civilización humana y para la estabilidad del clima y la biodiversidad mundial. Insta a toda la cristiandad a orar, ayunar y actuar conjuntamente por un medio ambiente y un planeta sostenibles, especialmente durante la Cuaresma.

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 3: "Celebrating Jesus’ life in water through the lens of justice”

The third reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Very Rev. Dr Augustinos Bairactaris. In this reflection, he underscores that the water justice issue is a theological task for all, and that the health of the water is vital to human civilization, and for the stability of the worlds climate and biodiversity. He urges all Christians to pray, fast, and act together for a sustainable environment and planet, especially during Lent.