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Bossey students embark on study visit to Rome

Students from the World Council of Churches (WCC) Bossey Ecumenical Institute began an 8-day study visit to Rome on 20 January, with a full programme that includes lectures, a tour of the Vatican, and opportunities to interact with leaders from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Prof. Rev. Dr Simone Sinn prays that Bossey students “share the treasure of transformative experience”

Prof. Rev. Dr Simone Sinn began serving as academic dean at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute in August. Prior to that, Dr Sinn served as vice dean and professor of Ecumenical Theology. Below, Dr Sinn shares reflections on the new role, on hopes for students and on how the Bossey Ecumenical Institute will remain a bridge builder amid the world’s serious challenges today.

Church of Sweden in Lund delegation visits the Ecumenical Centre and Bossey

Bishop Johan Tyrberg and a delegation from the Church of Sweden in Lund visited the World Council of Churches on 22-23 September, participating in a morning prayer for Christian unity, receiving a guided tour and discussing the theme of the World Council of Churches (WCC) 11th Assembly, “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.”