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Rev. Andreas Fuog: Our doubt can be a source of faith

During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, staff of the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva joined a Monday morning prayer at the Chapelle des Crêts of the Protestant church of Geneva, reflecting on the theme of the 2025: “Do you believe this?”

United and Uniting Churches: Two Messages

Faith and Order Papers, Series 2, n. 225

Taken together, these two messages from international consultations, sponsored by the World Council of Churches, provide a valuable entry point for reflection on the self-understanding and mission of United and Uniting Churches in today’s world.
I. Going the Second Mile: A message of the 8th Consultation of United and Uniting Churches. Johannesburg, 29 October–5 November 2008
II. Living in Tents: A Message of the 9th Consultation of United and Uniting Churches. Chennai, 25 November–2 December 2015.
Two appendices provide documentary information about Faith and Order publications concerning United and Uniting Churches.