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Faith in Land, Faith in our Children’s Future

Using Our Power as Bank Clients to Combat Desertification

Desertification of the Mediterranean region is fuelled by the ongoing increase of CO2 emissions, of which over 75% are caused by fossil fuels. This fact-sheet highlights how our financial choices can help combat desertification and create a sustainable future for our children.  It is one of several resources the World Council of Churches (WCC) has developed to support churches from the region in their response to this challenge.

Breaking the hunger cycle: WCC to host Webinar on food security and nutrition for World Food Day

On 16 October, during World Food Day, the World Council of Churches (WCC) will host an international webinar to address the worsening global food crisis. Featuring voices from the United Nations, civil society, academia, and faith communities, the event will examine the systemic causes of hunger and explore ways to empower women and children, the most vulnerable to food insecurity.

Save Children's Lives

Responsible Banking Survival Guide
Frederique Seidel
Jodie Salter

The climate emergency represents the most dangerous threat to children’s lives and the survival of future generations. Fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – are by far the most significant contributor to the global climate emergency, accounting for over 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 per cent of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Therefore, halting new investments in fossil fuel expansion is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate climate solutions and save children’s lives.
This document provides concise guidelines for using the investment potential of individuals, organisations and churches to stop investment in fossil fuels.

Webinar will provide new insights on climate-responsible banking

A webinar entitled “Climate-Responsible Banking: A Moral Imperative towards Children“ on 3 July will increase awareness of how investments into new fossil fuel expansion imperil the wellbeing of children, youth, and future generations, to advance actions of faith-based actors and hold accountable those investing in fossil fuels.