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From generation to generation

The mountaintop is a holy place. The valleys below are distant, and the weight of daily life feels momentarily lifted. In scripture, its where humanity and the divine meet: Moses conversed with God amidst fire and cloud on Sinai; Elijah heard the still small voice on Horeb; Jesus transfigured in the presence of his disciples, his face shining like the sun. 

Youth commission elects four new vice moderators

The Commission on Young People in the Ecumenical Movement (YPEM), during its meeting in the Philippines, elected four new vice moderators: Ann Chris Jacob (United Methodist Church USA), Lorena Bonilla Garcia (Mennonite Church of Colombia), Rev. Bjorn Warde (Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago), and Danil Arakelian (Russian Orthodox Church).

Youth commission moderator: “we act and journey together”

World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on Young People in the Ecumenical Movement (YPEM) moderator Karen Erina Puimera, is from the Protestant Church in Western Indonesia. As YPEMs meeting in the Philippines drew to a close on 19 November, she took time to reflect reflect about what inspired her, the challenges that lie ahead, and YPEMs goal for engaging and inspiring even more young people.

WCC youth commission gathers for first in-person meeting

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on Young People in the Ecumenical Movement (YPEM) convened in Manila, Philippines, marking the start of its first in-person meeting since its formation. The gathering, scheduled from 13-19 November, unites young ecumenical leaders from around the globe with a mission to amplify youth voices, address pressing global and local challenges, and establish intentional, actionable strategies for youth-led faith initiatives.

World Council of Churches opens applications for 2025 Stewards Programme

The World Council of Churches (WCC) invites young people from across the globe to apply for the 2025 Stewards Programme, scheduled to take place from 14-26 June 2025. This exciting programme offers a unique opportunity for youth ages 18-30 to engage with the global ecumenical movement and actively contribute to the work of the WCC. The deadline for applications is 30 November 2024.

On International Youth Day, young people send clear message: we are strong peace-builders

On 12 August, young people across the world participated in the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical International Youth Day, which convened under the theme "Journey of Justice, Peace, and Unity: A Call to End Violence." The online event highlighted the experiences and resilience of young people and children living amidst conflict, emphasizing the urgent need for peace and support.

Ecumenical International Youth Day 2024 Toolkit

Young People and Their Voices from the Warzones 2nd Edition
Andrei Ursulean
Stefan Wilson

Young People and Their Voices from the Warzones continues the theme of last year’s Ecumenical Youth Day. Political insurrection and ideologies have permeated the fabric of society. This has caused division and hatred, resulting in the loss of innocent lives.

Addressing the realities young people face in the world today represents a moral imperative for, and a crucial aspect of, peace-building. Through this toolkit, the World Council of Churches, via its Commission on Young People in the Ecumenical Movement (YPEM), invites all member churches and ecumenical partners to participate in this year’s International Youth Day. By doing so, we affirm youth agency and draw attention to the situation of young people living in the realities of wars, conflicts, and injustice, whether in civil or cross-border wars. 

This document is adapted from the 2023 toolkit and contains adaptable resources and suggested ways to observe this day. 

Mark your calendar: Be in solidarity on the Ecumenical International Youth Day 2024

On 12 August, the World Council of Churches (WCC) will observe the Ecumenical International Youth Day with the theme "Journey of Justice, Peace, and Unity: A Call to End Violence." This year’s online event will highlight the experiences and resilience of young people and children living amidst conflict, emphasizing the urgent need for peace and support.