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Colombian peace and biodiversity: how are they related?

At the UN biodiversity COP16 in Cali, Colombia, Dr Humberto Shikiya, World Council of Churches (WCC) special envoy to the peace process in Colombia, and Rev. Milton Mejia, coordinator of DiPaz, the main ecumenical peace-building platform in Colombia, took time to explain the relationship between the peace process in Colombia and the biodiversity conference agenda, as well as why ecumenical commitment makes a difference. 

WCC and the Colombia peace process “a true witness of international solidarity”

About nine months ago, In Colombia, the peace process through the Round Table of Peace Dialogues between the government and the Estado Mayor Central of the FARC-EP, formally began talks began between both negotiating parties. The bilateral ceasefire has been a crucial decision for the peace process and international humanitarian law for the people of Colombia. One exception was a lifting of the ceasefire in the southwestern region of Colombia due to acts of violence that affected the civil population.

Biodiversity and climate focus of WCC executive committee statement

As two major global environmental conferences are scheduled to take place later this year—the UN Biodiversity Conference in Cali, Colombia and the UN Climate Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan—the World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee released a statement noting that the systems needed for life to flourish are at extreme risk.

Is health the same for all?

To guarantee the right to health, we need to understand the meaning of health. WHO defined it in 1948 as a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity wellness, but there is another definition that I like better.