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WCC communications in 2024: expanding messages of unity across the world

Communication from the World Council of Churches (WCC) in 2024, through storytelling via many channels, fostered unity in unprecedented ways across the world. From the largest global prayer gathering, to 2.3 million engagements on social media, to large numbers of young visitors both in-person and online, WCC communications connected with more people, in more ways than ever.

WCC posts job openings for leadership staff

Following the decision of the Executive Committee during its meeting of November 2021, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is posting the opening of three staff leadership positions. The openings include programme director for Unity and Mission, programme director for Public Witness and Diakonia, and director of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order.

WCC website selected for inclusion in Swiss National Library archives as resource of patrimonial importance

The World Council of Churches (WCC) website will be included in the archives of the Swiss National Library as part of a collection of websites of patrimonial importance” in Switzerland. The Swiss National Library collects specifically non-commercial websites, that are relevant to the nations heritage,” explained Anne-Emmanuelle Tankam-Tene, archivist at the WCC.

WCC digital archive now included in Globethics.net library

A collection of documents and publications from the World Council of Churches (WCC) is now available through its longstanding partner organization Globethics.net. The WCC collection, updated weekly, reflects a growing and longstanding electronic bridge between the organizations’ websites.

Christians worldwide gather in prayer for unity— even if distanced

Even as nations continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, final preparations are under way for one of the world’s largest annual prayer observances, traditionally celebrated 18-25 January. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity involves Christian communities from many traditions and all parts of the globe. At a time when public health concerns put a limit on physical gatherings, it provides an opportunity for churches to come together by means of a typically Christian practice that long predates modern transport: prayer.

Sisters share wisdom of life rooted in Christ for next week of prayer for unity

The newly available materials for next year‘s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity draw on the experience of contemplative community life to guide us on a journey of prayer bearing fruits of reconciliation and solidarity. Tasked with preparing a draft for the 2021 edition, the Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland chose the theme “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (cf. Jn 15:5-9).

Digitizing history: reflections on expanding access to the WCC’s journey

Auf seinem ökumenischen Weg hat Georges ,Yorgo‘ Lemopoulos unter fünf Generalsekretären für den ÖRK gearbeitet; für drei von ihnen als stellvertretender Generalsekretär. Er war außerdem Co-Koordinator für die Feierlichkeiten zum 70-jährigen Bestehen des ÖRK. Lemopoulos macht sich Gedanken dazu, wie wichtig es ist, die Dokumente der ÖRK-Leitungsgremien zu digitalisieren und wie die Digitalisierung dazu beitragen kann, uns alle besser über die reichhaltige Geschichte eines globalen ökumenischen Pilgerwegs aufzuklären.

WCC Permanent Committee on Consensus and Collaboration convenes

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Permanent Committee on Consensus and Collaboration will meet from 25 February - 2 March at Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland. The committee will share its preparations for the WCC 11th Assembly to be held in Karlsruhe, Germany in September 2021. The group will also make decisions regarding a report to the assembly.